Реферат: The Brain 2

Реферат: The Brain 2


The Brain – Covering All Parts- Essay, Research Paper
The human body is divided into many different parts called
organs. All of the parts are controlled by an organ called the brain,
which is located in the head. The brain weighs about 2.75 pounds, and
has a whitish-pink appearance. The brain is made up of many cells,
and is the control centre of the body. The brain flashes messages out
to all the other parts of the body. The messages travel in very fine
threads called nerves. The nerves and the brain make up a system
somewhat like telephone poles carrying wires across the city. This is
The nerves in the body don’t just send messages from the brain
to the organs, but also send messages from the eyes, ears, skin and
other organs back to your brain. Some nerves are linked directly to
the brain. Others have to reach the brain through a sort of power
line down the back, called the spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord
make up the central nervous system.
The brain doesn’t just control your organs, but also can think
and remember. That part of the brain is called the mind.
Twenty-eight bones make up the skull. Eight of these bones
are interlocking plates. These plates form the cranium. The cranium
provides maximum protection with minimum weight, the ideal
combination. The other twenty bones make up the face, jaw and other
Another way the brain keeps it self safe is by keeping itself
in liquid. Nearly one fifth of the blood pumped by the heart is sent
to the brain. The brain then sends the blood through an intricate
network of blood vessels to where the blood is needed. Specialized
blood vessels called choroid plexuses produce a protective
cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid is what the brain literally floats
A third protective measure taken by the brain is called the
blood brain barrier. This barrier consists of a network of unique
capillaries. These capillaries are filters for harmful chemicals
carried by the blood, but do allow oxygen, water and glucose to enter
The brain is divided into three main sections. The area at
the front of the brain is the largest. Most of it is known as the
cerebrum. It controls all of the movements that you have to think
about, thought and memory. The cerebrum is split in two different
sections, the right half and the left half.
The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cortex. It is
mainly made up of cell bodies of neurons called grey matter. Most
of the work the brain does is done in the cortex. It is very wrinkled
and has many folds. The wrinkles and folds give the cortex a large
surface area, even though it is squeezed up to fit in the skull.
The extra surface area gives the cerebrum more area to work.
Inside the cortex, the cerebrum is largely made up of white matter.
White matter is tissue made only of nerve fibres.
The middle region is deep inside the brain. It’s chief
purpose is to connect the front and the back of the brain together.
It acts as a “switchboard”, keeping the parts of your brain in touch
The back area of the brain is divided into three different
parts. The pons is a band of nerve fibres which link the back of the
brain to the middle. The cerebellum sees to it that all the parts of
your body work as a team. It also makes sure you keep your balance.
them to the two brain hemispheres. The thalamus is located in between
above the lower brain and under the two hemispheres.
Most of the above mentioned parts of the brain were produced
early in evolution but the higher mammals especially humans went on to
produce a sort of “thinking cap” on top of these parts. This
“thinking cap” was divided into two different parts, the left
hemisphere and the right hemisphere.
If the left side of your brain is more developed like most
people’s are, you are right handed. On the other hand if the right
side of your brain is more developed, then you will be left handed.
The right side of your brain is more artistic and emotional while
the left side of your brain is your “common sense” and practical side,
such as figuring out math and logic problems.
One of the most important part of the Human brain is the
cerebellum. The cerebellum is involved with the more complex
functions of the brain and sometimes is even referred to as “the brain
within the brain”. The cerebellum acts as a control and coordination
The cerebellum carries small “programs” that have been
previously learned. For example, how to write, move, run and jump are
all previously learned activities that the brain recorded and can
playback when needed. Every time you practice, the brain rewrites the
You may have heard the saying “practice makes perfect”. Well
this saying is not entirely true; another way of “practicing” is just
to imagine what you wish to do. Since the cerebellum can’t actually
feel, it will think that you are doing what your imagining and respond
by rewriting it’s previous program and carrying out any other actions
needed for that function. This is one why to explain wet dreams.
The cerebral cortex makes up the top of the two hemispheres of
the brain. The cortex is a sheet of greyish matter which produces our
thoughts, language and plans. It also controls our sensations and
voluntary movements, stores our memories and gives us the ability to
imagine, in short it’s what makes humans, humans.
Today many experiments are being conducted that may be break
through’s for the future. For instance “brain grafting” is one
procedure that may be used in the future. Brain grafting is to
transplant a very thin layer of brain skin from one person to another.
This would result in control of parkinson’s disease and other seizure
Another radical idea that has already been successfully been
tried on rhesus monkey’s is, brain transplants. The ethics and legal
problems for such a transplant would probably never let this operation
be performed on humans. This is because the person would not be the
same, would not have the same memories or the same abilities that the
The last idea of the future that we will list is called
“artificial hearing and seeing”. Artificial seeing is achieved by
planting sixty-four small electrodes in front of the visual cortex of
the brain. The electrodes are connected to a small camera that is
some where on the person’s ear. A computer is attached to the camera.
The computer sends the images from the camera directly to the
implanted electrodes. They flash as the picture from the camera, thus
enabling the person to somewhat see.
Artificial hearing is much more complicated then artificial
seeing. First a electrodes must be planted in the brain. Then
through a microphone a computer produces electrical pulses that are
then sent to the electrodes in the brain.
But as of yet these procedures are not practical first because
of the size of the computer, it cannot be taken out of the laboratory
second the cost of the package and third the risks involved.
After all of the work and research that we have done it is
very evident to us that the brain is one of the most wondrous organs
that humans could have. It guides us through almost every second of
our life. Even after exploring vast and distant sky’s to the
microorganisms that exist today, the brain has never ceased to amaze
1. The Brain and Nervous System by Lambert, Mark
copyright Macmillan Education, 1988
2. The Brain and Nervous System by Parker, Steve
3. Encyclopedia Britannica by Britannica, Encyclopedia Inc.
copyright Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 1986
4. The Incredible Machine by Geographic, National Society
copyright Geographic, National Society, 1992
artificial hearing: When a person is able to hear but not naturally.
artificial seeing: When a person is able to see but not naturally.
blood brain barrier: A set of special capillaries that are only found
in brain. There purpose is to filter the blood so only oxygen,
glucose and water are able to enter the brain. Unfortuantly they
don’t prevent narcotics from entering the brain.
brain: An organ that is pinkish-white in appearance and is located in
the skull. This organ controls almost everything that the body does.
brain grafting: Brain grafting is the process of taking a thin layer
of brain skin from the donor and moving to new host.
brainstem: This is what the brain had used to be early evolution, but
now it only controls our basic functions such as breathing and heart
cells: What all living thing are built from.
central nervous system: This the brain and spinal cord put together.
cerebellum: This part of the brain makes sure that all of your body
works together. It also keeps your balance.
cerebral cortex: This is one of the most important parts of the
brain. It also is produces our thoughts, stores our memories, and
cerebrospinal fluid: This what the brain floats in.
cerebrum: The cerebrum is split in to two different sides. Left and
right. It is located at the front of the head.
choroid plexuses: These special blood vessels are what produce the
cortex: This is the outer layer of the cerebrum.
cranium: This is the part of the skull that holds the brain.
diseases: Illnesses that can be terminal.
electrodes: They are made out metal and emit electricity, usually
glucose: This is a combination of sugar and water.
grey matter: Mainly made from the cell bodies of neurons.
hemisphere: These are the two different part of the cerebrum. Almost
all of the brain’s work is done there.
hormones: Chemicals that can change the chemical make up of your
hypothalmus: This part of the brain is located above the brainstem.
It controls basic drives such as hunger and sex.
medulla: The medulla is almost right behind the brainstem. It helps
mind: Not just the brain but the actual consciousness that we have.
nerves: Pathways that the brain uses to send messages to and from
nervous system: The whole system of nerves that attach to the spinal
organs: Important part of the body. The brain, heart and lungs are
Parkinson’s Disease: This disease causes the victim to have seizures.
pituitary: The pituitary produces hormones.
pons: A band of nerve fibre that connect the back the brain to the
skull: The skull is made up of twenty-eight bones. It is located
above the spinal cord. It also contains the brain.
spinal cord: This cord goes down your back. Almost all nerves in the
body are connected to the spinal cord.
thalamus: The thalamus a sort of relay room. It gets messages from
the lower brain area and sends them to the higher brain.
transplant: To transplant is to take something from one person and
white matter: White matter is tissue made from nerve fibres.

Название: The Brain 2
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 12:33:25 29 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 2 человек
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