Реферат: The American Dream Is Based On Success

Реферат: The American Dream Is Based On Success


, Happiness, And Money Essay, Research Paper
The American Dream Is Based on Success, Happiness, and Money
I believe that the American Dream today is based on success, happiness, and
money. The reason i think this is because the reason people go through all those
years of schooling is to become succufal, in return for being successful you
make money, and because of money you can get and do the things you want, which
in return makes you happy. Happiness is not all money, it also has to do with
Lets first start off talking aboutnthe success, and money part. American
children start school at the tender age of four. In pre school you are taught to
get along with other kids, and to share, and color in the lines. In Kindergarten
You first get an intro. to reading and write-in, and in some schools a little
simple addition, and subtreacing. Then from there you move on to grade school,
first grade through fifth grade. These years you are taught lot of math, reading,
writing, and also penmanship in script. You also get a taste of history. When
you get to middle school you learn more in depth about everything you learned in
earlier years. Finally in High School, everything you have learned is
intensified, and you get prepared for collage, and learn more of everything.
Then you have to make a decision, If you want to be Successful and make Lot of
MONEY you have to go to collage, for a nether four years, at the end of that
ordeal you can settle in with Bachelors degree, or a nether one or two for a
masters. This will bring a decent income. But if you want the really good jobs
you need nether three or four years to get a doctorate degree, or a law degree.
What I have just described is what a modern American kid has to go through to be
considered suscefull and to have money, I mean we are talking about 22 tears of
different types of school. this almost thirty percent of your life spent in
school so the rest of your years can be good ones.
Lastly I will discuss happiness. Many people think haplessness revolves around
money, and many people don’t. I personally think it does to a certain degree. I
think you don’t need to be rich or successful to be loved and have a nice family.
However I do think you need money to go where you want to go, as in vacations,
and you do need money to get the things you want, such as a nice size house, a
nice car, and possible a boat. I am not saying that you need this to be happier,
but it could, and probably may you happier.
In conclusion I believe that all people do not need to be successful to be rich
and happy, but I think It defiantly helps.

Название: The American Dream Is Based On Success
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 06:31:19 26 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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