Реферат: Technological Advances In World War 2 Essay

Реферат: Technological Advances In World War 2 Essay


New advances in technology changed warfare in WW2. The change in technology since WW1 has produced such things as Atom Bomb, and new and improved sea and air warfare. New techniques had to be used because of technology, techniques such as ?mouseholing?. More people were killed because of technology, as more people died in WW2 than WW1.The technological advances in WW2 changed the battlefield completely as more deadly auxiliary was introduced.
The technological advances since WW1 introduced such things as the atomic bomb and new and improved sea and air warfare. The atom bomb was a big part of WW2 as people could be killed from a bomb from a long distance. This bomb also covered a long area killing more people and people of the area bombed could still be feeling the effects in the form of cancer. New air warfare such as fighter jets were introduced in WW2. These planes carried deadly bombs and could take out a large number of people. New sea warfare was introduced, such ships as the corvette were popular, and the corvette was mostly used for shipping ammunition to Europe from North America. Also, submarines proved deadly as they were out of radar and carried deadly bombs such as the torpedo.
New techniques had to be used in WW2 because of the updated technology. Techniques such as ?mouseholing? and ?lightning warfare? were some of the new techniques used. Mouseholing is when the soldiers would blow a hole in the wall of a building and move through the building capturing the nazi soldiers instead of going out on the open street and getting snipered. Lightning warfare was used by the Germans and it was when planes were first sent in to a designated area and bombed the area and then the tanks would be sent through then finally the soldiers. This was done to take over countries and to get the country to surrender and clear the area out.
More people died because of technology in WW2. More people were killed in WW2 then WW1, as the technology was updated in WW2. Technology can be great but in the case of WW2, it proved tragic. Updated technology such as the entire auxiliary used in WW2 proved to be working because way more people died in WW2 than WW1. Rapid advances in bombs and guns proved deadly, WW2 was a very bad example of technology. Technology can usually help people but in this case killed people.
The technological advances in WW2 changed the battlefield completely as more deadly auxiliary was introduced. The technological advances since WW1 introduced such things as the nuclear bomb and new and improved sea and air warfare. New techniques had to be used in WW2 because of the updated technology. Techniques such as’ mouseholing and ?lightning warfare? were used. More people died because of technology in WW2. More people were killed in WW2 than WW1, as the technology was updated in WW2. Technology can be good and bad, but in this case, it was terribly bad.

Название: Technological Advances In World War 2 Essay
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 05:33:48 08 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 4
Комментариев: 14
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
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