Реферат: Tabacco Essay Research Paper What fills our

Реферат: Tabacco Essay Research Paper What fills our


What fills our air with pollution, are lungs with smoke, and are gums with holes. Tobacco is the answer. There are people everyday that die due to Tobacco. Innocent by standers are becoming ill due to second hand smoke. That is why tobacco should be illegal.
Everyday people light up, smoke, and die. Ciggrearetts have seventeen toxins that are deadly. Cigarettes are addictive therefore it is very hard to quit, because of the nicotine is what causes the addiction. The nicotine and the tar is what causes the lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema after many years of smoking. Smoking even causes babies to be smaller when they are born and maybe even have some birth defects.
Today are baggiest consumer of cigarettes are the youth ages fourteen to twenty- five. That means people are going to die earlier if they start smoking at an early age. The tobacco company s do not care and proof of not caring is their advertising to get young audiences. For example the Joe Camel is a cartoon character and he has many of girls and is cool, by this kids think if they smoke they can have girls and be cool. If the companies were worried about the people and not their money they would stop selling the cigarettes.
All of this could come to an end if cigarettes became illegal. We would be saving many lives by making cigarettes illegal. So if you would consider all of the problems with tobacco and try your best to pass a law to out law tobacco.
What fills our air with pollution, are lungs with smoke, and are gums with holes. Tobacco is the answer. There are people everyday that die due to Tobacco. Innocent by standers are becoming ill due to second hand smoke. That is why tobacco should be illegal.
Everyday people light up, smoke, and die. Ciggrearetts have seventeen toxins that are deadly. Cigarettes are addictive therefore it is very hard to quit, because of the nicotine is what causes the addiction. The nicotine and the tar is what causes the lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema after many years of smoking. Smoking even causes babies to be smaller when they are born and maybe even have some birth defects.
Today are baggiest consumer of cigarettes are the youth ages fourteen to twenty- five. That means people are going to die earlier if they start smoking at an early age. The tobacco company s do not care and proof of not caring is their advertising to get young audiences. For example the Joe Camel is a cartoon character and he has many of girls and is cool, by this kids think if they smoke they can have girls and be cool. If the companies were worried about the people and not their money they would stop selling the cigarettes.
All of this could come to an end if cigarettes became illegal. We would be saving many lives by making cigarettes illegal. So if you would consider all of the problems with tobacco and try your best to pass a law to out law tobacco.
What fills our air with pollution, are lungs with smoke, and are gums with holes. Tobacco is the answer. There are people everyday that die due to Tobacco. Innocent by standers are becoming ill due to second hand smoke. That is why tobacco should be illegal.
Everyday people light up, smoke, and die. Ciggrearetts have seventeen toxins that are deadly. Cigarettes are addictive therefore it is very hard to quit, because of the nicotine is what causes the addiction. The nicotine and the tar is what causes the lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema after many years of smoking. Smoking even causes babies to be smaller when they are born and maybe even have some birth defects.
Today are baggiest consumer of cigarettes are the youth ages fourteen to twenty- five. That means people are going to die earlier if they start smoking at an early age. The tobacco company s do not care and proof of not caring is their advertising to get young audiences. For example the Joe Camel is a cartoon character and he has many of girls and is cool, by this kids think if they smoke they can have girls and be cool. If the companies were worried about the people and not their money they would stop selling the cigarettes.
All of this could come to an end if cigarettes became illegal. We would be saving many lives by making cigarettes illegal. So if you would consider all of the problems with tobacco and try your best to pass a law to out law tobacco.
What fills our air with pollution, are lungs with smoke, and are gums with holes. Tobacco is the answer. There are people everyday that die due to Tobacco. Innocent by standers are becoming ill due to second hand smoke. That is why tobacco should be illegal.
Everyday people light up, smoke, and die. Ciggrearetts have seventeen toxins that are deadly. Cigarettes are addictive therefore it is very hard to quit, because of the nicotine is what causes the addiction. The nicotine and the tar is what causes the lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema after many years of smoking. Smoking even causes babies to be smaller when they are born and maybe even have some birth defects.
Today are baggiest consumer of cigarettes are the youth ages fourteen to twenty- five. That means people are going to die earlier if they start smoking at an early age. The tobacco company s do not care and proof of not caring is their advertising to get young audiences. For example the Joe Camel is a cartoon character and he has many of girls and is cool, by this kids think if they smoke they can have girls and be cool. If the companies were worried about the people and not their money they would stop selling the cigarettes.
All of this could come to an end if cigarettes became illegal. We would be saving many lives by making cigarettes illegal. So if you would consider all of the problems with tobacco and try your best to pass a law to out law tobacco.

Название: Tabacco Essay Research Paper What fills our
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 04:47:27 07 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Комментариев: 14
Оценило: 2 человек
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