Реферат: Student Roles And Responsibilities For The Master

Реферат: Student Roles And Responsibilities For The Master


Of Counseling Marriage, Family And Child Therapy Specialty Essay, Research Paper
Student Roles and Responsibilities for the Master of Counseling Marriage, Family
The student roles and responsibilities of the Masters of Counseling in
Marriage, Family and Child Therapy (MC\MFCT) at the University of Phoenix are to
advance competent and ethical practitioners in family, couple and individual
therapy in a variety of settings. By following the program’s defined curriculum
for professional role development, the successful graduate will be able to
provide counseling services “in accordance with the highest ethical and
professional standards” (Master of Counseling – Program Handbook, p. 7).
To achieve this end, the student must adopt and synthesize the
professional and ethical standards of the program into his own academic and
personal development. He must develop and demonstrate a broad base of
theoretical knowledge and therapeutic skills combined with his own ethical
judgment and counseling expertise. The student is responsible for maintaining a
grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better to indicate a foundation of
behavioral and social sciences, developmental theories as well as principles
and practices for planning, initiating and evaluating therapeutic roles. In
addition, a GPA of 3.0 or better must be maintained in all clinical courses to
display excellence in standards and competence as a counseling professional.
Failure to maintain the expected grading requirement will result in academic
In addition to the above criteria, the student must demonstrate
excellent written and oral communication skills, group participation,
interpersonal skills, analysis and problem solving skills, counseling skills,
and professional development specific to the program objectives. These areas
are addressed and evaluated in three portfolio review courses, each of which is
pass/fail. The student’s leadership, interpersonal skills, self-direction, self-
awareness and personal growth should reflect the program’s philosophical and
ethical principles to ensure his development as a competent professional.
(University of Phoenix Handbook, 1996).
Ethical standards and the responsibility of protecting the rights of
clients must follow the AAMFT Code of Ethics and be reflected in the student’s
own actions and belief system. (University of Phoenix Handbook, 1995). Students
are to maintain client confidentiality, and understand that clinical data
should only be used to aid in the learning process. Students must develop and
maintain appropriate confidentiality in creating, storing, and disposing of
records as well as in written or communicated information to others (HCS500,
The U of P MC\MFCT roles and responsibilities are to promote excellence in
ethical standards and professional development within the MC\MFCT graduate.
They are trained in providing couple family and individual assessment and
counseling with diverse populations. They are trained in family systems,
consultation, research and intervention services to advance profession of the
marriage, family and child therapy specialty.
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (4th ed.). (1995).
Washington, DC. American Psychological Association.
HCS 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies (1996) Ethical Standards(1988, March)
University of Phoenix (1995). Program handbook. Master of Counseling: UMBX, p.

Название: Student Roles And Responsibilities For The Master
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 20:16:46 06 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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