Реферат: Social Control Essay Research Paper Big man

Реферат: Social Control Essay Research Paper Big man


Social Control Essay, Research Paper
Big man- a self-made leader in a small-scale society. His
position is temporary, depending on personal ability and consent
of his followers. Chiefdom- a politically organised society with a permanent
head, usually with one layer of control over more than one local
community. The importance of social control
In any society, there are laws which must be observed, penalties
that punish their infraction, and procedures that can be called
upon to judge guilt or innocence, impose sentences, and provide
recompense. These form a holistic system of social control,
without which no form of society could be maintained.
To be effective, however, a system of social control must be
accompanied by the socially mandated authority and power to
ensure that it functions smoothly. Allocating to some of
society"s members the authority and power to regulate the
behaviour of others by setting common goals, changing them,
enforcing them, and preventing and resolving conflict is termed
Every society, therefore, designates certain individuals (and
often groups as well), by formal or informal means, to exercise
leadership and control over others: to establish and maintain the
society"s priorities (sometimes called policies); to
prevent, limit, or resolve conflicts between individuals or
groups; to dissuade or punish those who challenge the social
order, and to direct change. These individuals or groups assume
or are granted power and authority denied to others. Power- the capacity to control the behaviour of others, using
means such as education, persuasion, coercion, punishment or
Power may be based on physical strength, wealth, or efficient
organisation. Or it may be based on superior knowledge; in some
societies, only certain people- priests or hereditary rulers, for
example- are allowed access to certain kinds of information. Authority- the socially ranted right to exercise power.
Ordinarily, authority is conveyed to an individual through an
office, a position in which a certain kind and amount of
authority is inherent and which exists independently of its
occupant at any given time. Theoretically, authority can exist
without power, although it would be useless; and power can be
exercised without authority. But for social order, both are
1) ascribed e.g. Ashanti king, Queen Elizabeth, Gopalpur
2) achieved e.g. Yanomamo, Tony Blair
3) a combination of both e.g. Trobrianders

Название: Social Control Essay Research Paper Big man
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 02:33:45 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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