Реферат: Smokey Restaurants Essay Research Paper Smokey RestaurantsAccording

Реферат: Smokey Restaurants Essay Research Paper Smokey RestaurantsAccording


Smokey Restaurants Essay, Research Paper
According to an article in Public Health News titled “Number of ?Smoke-Free’
Restaurants Soars”, and published March 9, 1999, cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals
and exposure to environmental smoke or secondhand smoke is responsible for 1,000 non-smoker
deaths in Washington state each year. Listed below are some ideas that will help eliminate the
problem of cigarette smoke ruining many meals in restaurants. In the past few years some public
places have established their facilities as non-smoking out of respect of the customers health and
enjoyment. Some examples are public transportation and public federal buildings. The customer
respect issue regarding smoking needs to be adopted by all restaurants to avoid the nuisance of
stale tobacco smells and tastes. Once solution to eliminate this problem is to create all restaurants
as non-smoking. A second idea is to require all restaurants to install air purifier/cleaners. Non-
smoking restaurants, enclosed smoking sections and required air purifier/cleaners offer different
ways to eliminate dining in a smokey restaurant.
Creating restaurants as non-smoking would avoid the problem of nicotine odors ruining
many meals. The Onion, located in downtown Spokane, requires that all smoking be done in the
bar area. The bar is separated from the main restaurant by a gate. I ate lunch at this restaurant,
and while I was there smoke from the bar drifted to my table and spoiled my lunch. The non-
smoking policy is catching on in various public places and restaurants taking on the same policy
would solve this problem of spoiled meals caused by cigarette smoke. Enclosed smoking sections
is also a solution to smokey restaurants.
Enclosed smoking areas have solved the cigarette odor problem for public Bing halls and I
believe that it could also work for restaurants. Denny’s restaurant has a little glass wall about 3×2
feet in size that separates the non-smoking section from the smoking section. That wall does
nothing to help smoke prevention in non-smoking areas. Keeping smoke in one room and clean
air in the other would help me to appreciate and fully taste the food that is being served. The
enclosed rooms would enhance the enjoyment for the food and show customers that restaurants
have concern for the health and enjoyment of all customers. An air purifying system is also an
option that reduces smoking odors and displays concern for customer satisfaction from the
Requiring restaurants, that choose to serve smokers and non-smokers, to install an air
purifying/ cleaning system ensures cleaner air for the facility. Angel hair pasta with shrimp and
fresh tomatoes drenched in creamy garlic herb sauce is what The Olive Garden menu read. Once I
was served this appetizing entree I took a few bits and disappointment set in. Cigarette smoke
from the bar wafted over to my table and engulfed my food. Kathy, my co-worker, became so
upset with the smoke ruining her food that she complained to the manager on duty. The
interruption and nuisance of cigarette smells in restaurants would decrease if cleaning equipment
was installed. The purifying equipment cleans the air with such quickness that cigarette smells
seem non-existent. But the best chance at restaurants changing their ways is to offer all available
If all restaurants become non-smoking, create enclosed smoking areas and/or install air
cleaning systems this would create a cleaner, safer and healthier environment for all. In a survey
conducted by the Tobacco & Health in Washington State Organization done in 1996 the outcome
of adults favoring some sort of smoking restriction was 45% and 24% thought smoking should be
strictly prohibited. I have a right to eat in a restaurant and enjoy my meals without environmental

Название: Smokey Restaurants Essay Research Paper Smokey RestaurantsAccording
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 11:47:45 02 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 3
Комментариев: 11
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
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