Реферат: Slingblade Essay Research Paper There are heroes

Реферат: Slingblade Essay Research Paper There are heroes


There are heroes that save the world and some that save people; there are some that are known across the world and some that only certain people consider heroes. Superman is someone who is known across the world and who saved different people every episode. Karl Childers is a man who is a hero to a little boy named Frank; he saved his life.
Everyone has different thoughts about the qualities of a hero. To me a hero is someone that is much admired and shows great courage. A hero as to be able to react under pressure and will do anything to help a person in trouble. However for Karl he isn’t much admired but does show great courage; he also just wants to make Frank’s life a little easier on him. Another quality of a hero is they must have an enemy; Karl’s enemy is Doyle.
Karl Childers is a hero in my eyes because he saved a little boy’s life, Frank, from an evil man Doyle. Doyle had a terrible temper and couldn’t control himself when he drank. If Doyle had gone on living he would have made Frank’s life a living hell; which it pretty much already was. Or Doyle would have ended up getting drunk one night and killing Frank. Frank’s father committed suicide, which left Frank devastated and now Doyle treated him like he was nothing. Karl did kill four people in his lifetime and most people would say that he isn’t a hero, but Karl did only kill those who did wrong. Except for his baby brother, but he was only doing what he parents told him to do, he didn’t know any better.
I’m not sure if Karl is going to hell, in some way I think that God would be able to forgive him. Karl loved reading the bible, some of it was hard for him to understand but he was able to make independent thoughts about the Bible. Also there is a lot of blood and killing in the Bible but I think that God will forgive if it is for the right reasons and Karl only did kill those who did wrong. I think that Karl knows in his mind that God will forgive him and allow him to go to Heaven.

Название: Slingblade Essay Research Paper There are heroes
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 16:55:06 09 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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