Реферат: Six Month To Live Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Six Month To Live Essay Research Paper


Six Month To Live Essay, Research Paper
Mark Antony is probably the easiest of the characters to classify. He is quite clearly an antagonist. Before the assassination Antony makes only four brief appearances and speaks as many lines. Three times, twice at the games and once at Caesar’s house, Antony affirms his allegiance to Caesar as a ruler and as a friend. After the assassination; however, Antony hastens to fill the void made by Caesar’s absence and he becomes a prominent player in the struggle for power. Beginning with Antony’s use of his servant to flatter Brutus prior to Antony’s arrival at the Capitol, Antony attempts to appeal to Brutus’s self-perceived senses of honor and nobility. He successfully convinces Brutus that he would be able to agree with the conspirators if their cause was explained to him. He shakes hands with all of them to prove the integrity of his claim. He gains the right to speak at Caesar’s funeral by playing on Brutus’s sense of righteousness. At the funeral Antony effects his plan by turning the mob of fickle plebeians against the conspirators, forcing them to flee Rome. Antony gains the support of Octavius, and together they pursue Brutus and Cassius to Philippi where Antony skillfully directs his army against them. The defeat resulted in the suicides of Brutus and Cassius.
Mark Antony is probably the easiest of the characters to classify. He is quite clearly an antagonist. Before the assassination Antony makes only four brief appearances and speaks as many lines. Three times, twice at the games and once at Caesar’s house, Antony affirms his allegiance to Caesar as a ruler and as a friend. After the assassination; however, Antony hastens to fill the void made by Caesar’s absence and he becomes a prominent player in the struggle for power. Beginning with Antony’s use of his servant to flatter Brutus prior to Antony’s arrival at the Capitol, Antony attempts to appeal to Brutus’s self-perceived senses of honor and nobility. He successfully convinces Brutus that he would be able to agree with the conspirators if their cause was explained to him. He shakes hands with all of them to prove the integrity of his claim. He gains the right to speak at Caesar’s funeral by playing on Brutus’s sense of righteousness. At the funeral Antony effects his plan by turning the mob of fickle plebeians against the conspirators, forcing them to flee Rome. Antony gains the support of Octavius, and together they pursue Brutus and Cassius to Philippi where Antony skillfully directs his army against them. The defeat resulted in the suicides of Brutus and Cassius.

Название: Six Month To Live Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 22:08:41 05 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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