Реферат: Siddhartha Essay Research Paper Siddhartha FollowUp Project

Реферат: Siddhartha Essay Research Paper Siddhartha FollowUp Project


Siddhartha Follow-Up Project Part One:Religion is an important part of many peoples’ lives. In Siddhartha, we see a new view on religion and its place in the human search for conquering the secret of universal unity. Hinduism and Buddhism tell us that to attain this secret, one must remove all sense of Self. Once this happens, there is nothing to distinguish oneself from others, because of this loss of identity. Siddhartha, however, is not contented with these teachings and decides to search for this peace through his own experience. For 20 years, Siddhartha finds himself addicted to material wealth. Finally, he becomes disgusted with what he has become and leaves all his wealth to work with a ferryman in the forest. From the ferryman he learns to listen and observe, much like a child does. He listens to the river and hears thousands of voices at once, that when heard together say “Om.” He sees his life in the river, and his son’s life, and realizes the truly transitory nature of the human life. He begins to love everything around and love the life he has and will live, and the situations that he may face. He has found the eternal secret- universal love. Universal love brings universal unity. This book will open your eyes to the life you live and the interaction between yourself and the world. It will also bring a new look on the role of religious teachings. It is truly an amazing experience to read Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha. Siddhartha Follow-Up Project Part One:Religion is an important part of many peoples’ lives. In Siddhartha, we see a new view on religion and its place in the human search for conquering the secret of universal unity. Hinduism and Buddhism tell us that to attain this secret, one must remove all sense of Self. Once this happens, there is nothing to distinguish oneself from others, because of this loss of identity. Siddhartha, however, is not contented with these teachings and decides to search for this peace through his own experience. For 20 years, Siddhartha finds himself addicted to material wealth. Finally, he becomes disgusted with what he has become and leaves all his wealth to work with a ferryman in the forest. From the ferryman he learns to listen and observe, much like a child does. He listens to the river and hears thousands of voices at once, that when heard together say “Om.” He sees his life in the river, and his son’s life, and realizes the truly transitory nature of the human life. He begins to love everything around and love the life he has and will live, and the situations that he may face. He has found the eternal secret- universal love. Universal love brings universal unity. This book will open your eyes to the life you live and the interaction between yourself and the world. It will also bring a new look on the role of religious teachings. It is truly an amazing experience to read Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha.
Siddhartha Follow-Up Project Part One:Religion is an important part of many peoples’ lives. In Siddhartha, we see a new view on religion and its place in the human search for conquering the secret of universal unity. Hinduism and Buddhism tell us that to attain this secret, one must remove all sense of Self. Once this happens, there is nothing to distinguish oneself from others, because of this loss of identity. Siddhartha, however, is not contented with these teachings and decides to search for this peace through his own experience. For 20 years, Siddhartha finds himself addicted to material wealth. Finally, he becomes disgusted with what he has become and leaves all his wealth to work with a ferryman in the forest. From the ferryman he learns to listen and observe, much like a child does. He listens to the river and hears thousands of voices at once, that when heard together say “Om.” He sees his life in the river, and his son’s life, and realizes the truly transitory nature of the human life. He begins to love everything around and love the life he has and will live, and the situations that he may face. He has found the eternal secret- universal love. Universal love brings universal unity. This book will open your eyes to the life you live and the interaction between yourself and the world. It will also bring a new look on the role of religious teachings. It is truly an amazing experience to read Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha. Siddhartha Follow-Up Project Part One:Religion is an important part of many peoples’ lives. In Siddhartha, we see a new view on religion and its place in the human search for conquering the secret of universal unity. Hinduism and Buddhism tell us that to attain this secret, one must remove all sense of Self. Once this happens, there is nothing to distinguish oneself from others, because of this loss of identity. Siddhartha, however, is not contented with these teachings and decides to search for this peace through his own experience. For 20 years, Siddhartha finds himself addicted to material wealth. Finally, he becomes disgusted with what he has become and leaves all his wealth to work with a ferryman in the forest. From the ferryman he learns to listen and observe, much like a child does. He listens to the river and hears thousands of voices at once, that when heard together say “Om.” He sees his life in the river, and his son’s life, and realizes the truly transitory nature of the human life. He begins to love everything around and love the life he has and will live, and the situations that he may face. He has found the eternal secret- universal love. Universal love brings universal unity. This book will open your eyes to the life you live and the interaction between yourself and the world. It will also bring a new look on the role of religious teachings. It is truly an amazing experience to read Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha.

Название: Siddhartha Essay Research Paper Siddhartha FollowUp Project
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 17:55:16 10 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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