Реферат: Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Research

Реферат: Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Research


Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay, Research Paper
According to N.C.A.A. rules, college athletes are not to receive any windfall from any merchandise sold- even if they are tho only reason people buy it. In other words, even if the merchandise is purchased solely because of an athlete’s popularity, that athlete receives no money.
For example, how many University of Michigan basketball fans would have bought jerseys with number four on the back if Chris Webber did not wear it first?
The student athletes are not permitted to have jobs during the school year. Scholarship athletes’ incomes are limited to their room and board check, per diem money on road trips, and whatever money their families can spare.
If the school is turning a profit off an athlete, shouldn’t the athlete receive their own fair share?
Student athletes should be treated the same as the other university students. They already have many added perks that put them ahead of other pupils.
In the classroom, they receive special consideration like specific notes and study guides. Also, lucrative summer jobs are seemingly always lined up for them. For example, Dugan Fife, former captain of the University of Michigan basketball team, was employed by the Detroit Lion’s front office one summer.
Also, if the student athletes feel cheated because their university is turning a profit from their name and likeness, they are obviously good players who will go on to play professional sports anyway. They should be able to wait and in a few years they’ll be in a professional league, raking in ridiculous amounts of money.
College athletes should not recieve income from their universities. They are already getting a free education and memories that will last forever.
I do not beleive that college athletes should be paid to play, period. College athletes should have to budget their money like the rest of the students at their university. If they are really hurting for money, they should save the money that they earn from the summer jobs that are lined up for them.
If universitiesbegan paying athletes to play, lids would play for money, not for the love of the game. The hustle and emotion would vanish, and laziness and greed would appear in its place.
One of the main reasons I love to attend collegiate athletic contests is because the athletes are playing because they love the game. I’ve concluded that professional games aren’t as thrilling because it is not as fun or emotional.
The benefits these kids get from “Friends of the Program” and the university should truly be enough.
3. Albomm Mitch. FAB FIVE. New York: Warner Books, 1993.

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Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 13:25:30 27 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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