Реферат: Science Investigation Essay Research Paper Science InvestigationAIM

Реферат: Science Investigation Essay Research Paper Science InvestigationAIM


Science Investigation Essay, Research Paper
In this investigation we are going to find out which fuel
contains the most energy by burning each fuel and using its
I predict that Ethanol will contain the most energy.
I can backup my answer by referring to my scientific
Ethanol will burn the quickest because it has more energy
In this experiment I will change the fuels, I will use
I will use 120ml of water to boil and I will keep that the
same all the way throughout the experiment. I will measure
the temperature of the water before I heat it and I will
use the same amount of fuel each time to keep the
experiment fair, I will also keep it a fair test by heating
the water for the same amount of time for each fuel.
Below is a list of all the equipment which I will need for
The first thing which I will do is weigh the fuels and note
down the results, then I will place a tin lid underneath
the tripod and place the first fuel on the tin, then I will
measure 120ml of water and place it in a beaker on top of
the tripod and will take down the temperature of the water
and then I will burn the fuel and use it to heat up the
water for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes I will weigh the fuel
and take the temperature of the water, I will repeat this
process using all of the fuels and then I will use the
following formula to work out the Energy given out:
Energy = Mass (g) (0.120) X 4200 (SHC) X Temp Change.
To make the experiment safe I will wear goggles to protect
my eyes from any fuel spillage which could damage my eyes.
I will show my result by drawing various different types of
Below are the Energy amounts in J which each fuel gave out:
To make my results more accurate and fair I measured each
>From looking at my results I have found that Ethanol gives
the most energy, which was around 12000 J and then it was
Methanol in secound place. From my results I can say that
my prediction was right and I can say that the reason why
Ethanol made the most energy is because it was the
strongest because it had more energy stored in its bonds.
If I had more time to improve my experiment I would repeat
each fuel several time and I would spend some time
comparing my results with my friends.

Название: Science Investigation Essay Research Paper Science InvestigationAIM
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:28:52 08 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 3
Комментариев: 15
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
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