Реферат: School Related Sports Essay Research Paper My

Реферат: School Related Sports Essay Research Paper My


School Related Sports Essay, Research Paper
My editorial is how the seriousness for school related sports has decreased. Sports aren?t what they used to be. People who say things like ? people are taking these sports too seriously? or ? the sports are meant to be fun?, I think, should rethink their opinion. Of course, they are taken seriously, that doesn?t necessarily mean they aren?t fun. Personally I love all of the yelling and confusion that goes on all around sports, whether it?s on TV, or the court, or on the field. I also think that nowadays they aren?t being taken seriously enough. These days sports have become much more that what they used to be. I looked up the word ?sports? in the dictionary, and this is what it said: 1. an amusing or interesting activity 2. a physical activity especially one with a set form and body of rules My definition of sports: 1. a political game Why? You may ask, do I call it this. The first reason is the coaches. Take basketball for example. I?ve gone to a couple of my sister?s basketball games (she?s in 5th grade) and noticed that she has gone to every single practice, and yet, still sits the bench for most of the game. She has two coaches and both of them have daughters on the team, and both of their daughters play all of the game. Even though (I think) that my sister is a little bit better than those two. My father told me that when he was in 8th grade, he had coaches that had coached the teams for years and years. Not player?s parents. Now, don?t get me wrong I have no problems with players parents coaching their son?s or daughter?s team (because I have on right now) but I don?t like when they aren?t fair. Some of the parents go to their child?s practice and ?make friends? with the coach, or suck up to them. When I was in 4th and 5th grade, my dad coached our team and I never ever played more than any other kid did on that team. Another thing that isn?t taken seriously enough are the refs. Again, player?s parents are refereeing their own children?s games. That?s like being in a class with your mom as the teacher. These refs also shouldn?t carry personal issues onto the court, for example: if I were to not be one of the greatest friends with one of the referees, that still gives him no right to just pick on me during the whole game. I hope this paragraph about the refs, and the rest of this article is having action taken against them.

Название: School Related Sports Essay Research Paper My
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:58:00 27 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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