Реферат: Rules On Golf Essay Research Paper Golf

Реферат: Rules On Golf Essay Research Paper Golf


Rules On Golf Essay, Research Paper
Golf is a game that we all can realte to or at least the ones who are lucky enough to play. Golf is a game that takes time and alot of time to be good at. Most people think that golf is a game that is very easy and because of this it is veiwed as a sport for the weak or nonathletes. Me personaly I love the game and I find it very easy to play. This essay will not only tell you about golf but it will also show you that golf can be played by everyone. Golf is growing in popurality all over the world and this is because of the riseing of such players such as David Duval and Tiger Woods. Golf is growing in other countries as well and because of this Golf companies must become more diverse as far as who they offer their products to.
The first step in playing golf is having clubs and the proper clubs at that. One club will not do and it is also very important to have the right cloths because if you don’t this can be very bad for other players. It always helps to go toa driving range before starting so you can get a feel for hitting the ball. If you do not do this you might find it very embarassing when it comes your time to tee off. The second thing to do is take your time never try to kill the ball the first time becasue this might only lead to more discomfort. Start with just tring to make contact with the ball. Then comes the hard part and that is tring to get the ball on the putting surface for the first time and this will be very difficult but you must remember that putting is no push over. When putting take your time and really try because most people don’t realize that putting might be the greatest thing to master in golf. How many times have you seen great player’s on TV miss short putts well if you haven’t watched much golf just start watching it. Always work on your game is my last bit of advice because you game will go up and down like the tempture. I hope this advice has helped you if you ever decide that you want to give golf a try and remember it’s only a game and never get made only try to improve.

Название: Rules On Golf Essay Research Paper Golf
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 19:33:33 16 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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