Реферат: Rules Of Netiquette Essay Research Paper All

Реферат: Rules Of Netiquette Essay Research Paper All


Rules Of Netiquette Essay, Research Paper
All cultures and societies have forms of proper etiquette, the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. Internet being comprised of global cultures and societies has rules of conduct, more commonly known as netiquette, a word from combining network etiquette , a set of rules for behaving properly online . In the following paragraphs I will attempt to illustrate some general guidelines to proper behavior on the Internet.
A very important aspect of knowing the cyberspace and network etiquette rules is to know that any document that you e-mail to someone or post on a web site can easily be forwarded to anyone. Always take precautions and never post or e-mail what you would not want anyone else to view.
The biggest hindrance of communicating through the Internet is that you are not able to view or express facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice. It takes etiquette and properly transmitted messages to convey emotion, tone and mood. While e-mailing someone of a depressing sorrowful loss that incurred as my dog died , it is difficult for the receiver to know how your emotions are, as they would be unable to see any facial expressions or the tone that your voice has. A proper netiquette statement would be a short statement of your feelings I am very upset and feel depressed at the loss of my dog ; by utilizing this language you are transmitting the message that you are emotionally upset over the loss.
Virginia Shea, author of The Core Rules of Netiquette has given, what I feel as the most adequately expressed listing of Core Rules of Netiquette . The list of core rules below and my interpretation of the rules are intended to be a set of basic principles to guide proper behavior while on the Internet.
You must remember that the person who reads and interprets your message is a living person with feelings. Do unto others that you have done to you. Never post or mail anything that you would not do in person or want done to you.
Rule 2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Never do anything online that you would not do in person. Laws follow while on line as they do in the real world.
Rule 3. Know where you are in cyberspace
Always look around and read before you enter a web site and know to whom, what and where you posting will be. Language and graphics change throughout the Internet.
Rule 4. Respect other people s time and bandwidth
Time is valuable. I often find myself deleting overly stated e-mails and just briefly reading long messages that I feel do not have any content or interest to me. You have the option to stay in a chat room or discussion group, if you do not agree, do not agree with a topic or a person, Why waste your time log off .
Rule 5. Make yourself look good online
Always spell check, check your grammar usage and ensure that what your expressing makes sense and is verifiable. This will ensure that your audience will be able to rely and know that you are a person of knowledge.
If someone has a question that you have previously asked or you may know the answer, assist that person. If you understand and have located a shortcut to an Internet problem, share your knowledge.
Rule 7. Help keep flame wars under control
If someone corrects a posting error that you have posted. No need to respond or correct. A simple Thank you would do.
Rule 8. Respect other people s privacy
You would not like it if someone went through neither your home mail nor your e-mail. As state previously, do unto others as you have done to you.
Rule 9. Don t abuse your power Hackers beware. A well knowledge person can do better by helping and knowing their limits then taking advantage.
Rule 10. Be forgiving of other people s mistakes
Some people do not have any Internet knowledge and make huge mistakes, unintentionally. Remember that you probably posted or sent an e-mail that was a little less then perfect once.
I have practiced the above listings both professionally and personally, looked at previously sent emails and posting that I have created. I found that if I would have known of these Core Rules . Many of my e-mails and postings would have been completed differently.
Majority of businesses are now being operated with assistance of sales through the Internet. Seller should be aware of netiquette. A seller who understands and follows the etiquette of the web will stand out above the rest. Remember you are still selling to a person, not a computer.
Netiquette assists in aiding individuals and from reducing the amount of Internet blurbs, insults and mistakes that may occur while in cyberspace. By adhering to the above guidelines it will make your use of the Internet more pleasant and constructive. You should exercise as much caution while on Internet as you would with a person that you meet. Always remember, there is a person behind the computer.

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Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
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