Реферат: Role Models Essay Research Paper Role Models

Реферат: Role Models Essay Research Paper Role Models


Who are the Role Model?s of Today? Who are the role models of today? It seems as though the culture of today has the tendency to mistake who a role model is rather then what a role model should be. How, then, is a role model defined? A role model is a person in our lives that give us inspiration, hope and keep our spirits up. Roles models help us in our difficult times that we may have, by giving us words of wisdom that will help us get through our difficult times. We might wonder if we really need these role models in our lives? For instance, if we didn?t have role models in our lives would we be able to over come our difficult times. Yes, we might be able to but would we have the extra encouragement to keep our spirits bright? Role models are often athletes, entertainment figures, political figures and our parents. One of the greatest athlete role models is Michael Jordan. He is an athlete with undying will, tremendous courage, awesome defense, and unbelievable scoring. Michael Jordan, seems to be without a weakness, making him a great role model for youths and adults. He is a great athlete and a great human being for young youths to look up to. Michael plays hard every day. He never takes time off from the game that is his life. Michael feels pain like everyone else, but he has the focus, the concentration and the will power to play in spite of it. He often inspires the youth to strive for their goal as he does in everyday life, always encouraging them never to give up. Another great Athlete role model is Tiger Woods. Tiger thinks that being a good role model to others is even more important than his golf. He thinks his golf is just a vehicle for him to influence people. He wants to influence kids in a positive way, Tiger feels that?s what it?s all about. Tiger and his parents put together The Tiger Woods Foundation in order to promote both golf and non-sports activities for disadvantaged children, which is one of the many ways that he is shown as a great role model. In contrast to great athlete role model, their are many great entertainment figures and political figures as roles models. A great entertainment role model figure is Christopher Reeve. He is known to the world as superman, who shows a symbol of strength. Christopher Reeve has over come a very tragic accident in his life. During a riding show two years ago, he fell off his horse and landed on his head. The fall broke his spinal cord and he was paralyzed from the neck down. Although, he is not able to move from the neck down, Reeve continues to do public appearances for other paralyzed people. He has been an example to all, that you can keep going in spite of your limitations. He is an excellent example of what a role model should be.

Название: Role Models Essay Research Paper Role Models
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 02:13:39 28 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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