Реферат: Rodgers And Hammerstein Essay Research Paper Rodgers

Реферат: Rodgers And Hammerstein Essay Research Paper Rodgers


Rodgers And Hammerstein Essay, Research Paper
Rodgers and Hammerstein are probably the most talented composer lyricist duo of this century. They made more than 15 musicals in shows, movies and TV.
Ever since their first musical together, Oklahoma, to their last musical, The sound of music. Even though each have done solo works they were at their best when they were together.
Oscar Hammerstein 2, The Grandson of Oscar Hammerstein an impresario. Hammerstein was born in New York city and later studied law at Columbia University. Some of his post Rodgers works include, Rose Marie, The Desert Song, and Show Boat. Hammerstein meet Rodgers backstage of a college made musical called, Home. He began making musicals with Rodgers starting with Oklahoma. This famous musical became one of their most acclaimed. Hammerstein?s most famous song lyrics included, ?Indiana love Call,? ?Ol? Man River,? ?People will say were in love? and ?some enchanted evening.?
Richard Rodgers, an American composer, was born in New York City, and attended the University of Columbia and the Institute of Musical Art. Some of his post Hammerstein works include, Garrick Gaieties(his first), The Girl Friend, Babes in arms, and Pal Joey. Later he joined with lyricist Oscar Hammerstein and made a long string of hit musicals. After the death of Hammerstein he went on to compose and write the lyrics to, No Strings, and the music to, Do I hear A Waltz? .
In 1975 he published, Musical Stages, his autobiography.
Although Rodgers and Hammerstein made many musicals together their most famous would probably be, Oklahoma, State fair, Produced Annie get your gun, South Pacific, Cinderella (there only TV musical), and The Sound of Music.
Oklahoma, is not only Rodgers and Hammerstein?s first work together but one of their best. It is based on the Play, Green grows the lilacs? and is considered the greatest musical comedy success Broadway has ever seen. It received a special Pulitzer Prize for Drama, 2 Academy Awards, Special tony Award 1993, BEST MUSICAL OF CENTURY New York Drama league, 4 Olivier Awards, London Evening Standard Award: Best Musical 1998 and International Emmy Award, 1999.
South Pacific, was an extremely popular musical that took place during world war two about two parallel love stories that are affected by the war. South Pacific also deals with the prejudice of the war. It received a Pulitzer prize.
State fair, is Rodgers and Hammerstein?s only musical made for TV that was popular between critics and fans alike. It is set against the backdrop of American tradition. It won an Academy Award for it?s score and was turned into a musical for stage.

Название: Rodgers And Hammerstein Essay Research Paper Rodgers
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 18:54:04 27 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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