Реферат: Rainbow Six 2

Реферат: Rainbow Six 2


Rainbow Six – Tom Clancy Essay, Research Paper
Book Talk On: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six
The year is 1999. The cold war has been over for more than a decade and for the first time in a half-century the world is free from the specter of nuclear apocalypse. It should be a time for peace and prosperity but all over the globe the embers of old animosity have been fanned to flame by the winds of freedom. Terrorism in the 21st century is an international industry. Money and expertise flow freely through the global computer net, and every type of weapon imaginable is available on the black market of the 3rd world. It has become harder and harder for the security forces of individual nations to combat this threat to the safety of their people. What s needed is an organization with the resources and authority to fight terrorism wherever it flourishes. It will be composed of the best and brightest counter terrorism experts from every country and armed with state of the art weapons and equipment. It will operate in absolute secrecy. Its existence known only to the most senior government officials. It would attack swiftly and silently cutting off the head of the viper before it had a chance to strike. Such an organization already exists. Its code name: RAINBOW
John Clark, the well-known maser of secret operational missions, is about to face the world s greatest fear- and his own- in Tom Clancy s, Rainbow Six. As the Newly named head of an international task force dedicated to combating terrorism, Clark is looking forward to really sinking his teeth into a new mission. But the opportunities start building faster and thicker than anyone could have expected. Is there a connection between all these incidents? Is he being tested? With the help of close associates and some of the world s top strike team leader s,
John Clark sets forth to discover the mysteries behind all these suspicious terrorist attacks. What he isn t aware of is the real threat: a band of professional terrorists, most probably the most demonic the world has ever encountered, which if successful could literally mean the end of life on this earth as we know it. Rainbow Six must be the most suspenseful book I have ever encountered, and although its size and length may discourage you, its content is premium gold. From the moment it was given to me, I hadn t been able to let it go and although I still have a sure while to go until I finish it, I impatiently wait what is yet to happen. Tom Clancy s exceptional work of describing each character and scenario really puts the reader in the center of action, which is definitely why I enjoy this book as much as I do. Apart from its length, Rainbow Six deserves definite 2 thumbs up and I suggest it to all you who enjoy a suspenseful type book, which puts you right in the action.

Название: Rainbow Six 2
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 16:35:08 29 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 2 человек
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