Реферат: Prop 63 Essay Research Paper The Official

Реферат: Prop 63 Essay Research Paper The Official


Proposition 63 will make English the Official Language
of the United States and I am against The official English
Law. The Official English Law is said to be able to promote
unity throughout the U.S. The official English Law will
prohibit federal and state laws, ordinances, regulations,
orders, programs and policies from requiring the use of
other languages. The Official English Law is not for
English, but against bilingualism. It will abolish
bilingual programs throughout the U.S. According to a
article I got off the Internet, there is billions of
dollars being spent on bilingual programs in the U.S.
today . All that money being spent on bilingual programs
shows that the U.S. is in need of bilingual programs.
The Official English Law will promote unity throughout
the United States. This law will promote unity by
strengthening most of Americans common bond, the English
language. This law will also promote unity by sending a
message to all immigrants encouraging them to join our bond.
The immigrants can join our bond by learning the Official
California is fine without the Official language Law.
According to a article off the internet, in a national
survey, two thirds of Californians thought that English was
already designated the official language , so this tells me
that most Americans are living fine without this law.
California is fine without this law because English is
already the language most commonly spoken. From personal
experience, where ever I go there is a lot of bilinguals
around me and nobody seems bothered by it.
The official English Law is unconstitutional This law is
unconstitutional because it posses a threat to the civil
rights, educational opportunities, and free speech of the
bilingual citizens of California. Bilingual speakers will
not be able to speak out publicly about something that is on
his mind. Bilingual children will not learn anything in a
school that does not speak their language. This law is also
an insult to minorities, which includes people who have
roots in this country deeper than those of the English
speakers. This law is also unconstitutional because it also
serves as a justification to racists and native biases in a
The United States is so great because of its diversity in
languages and cultures. America is a place where everybody
can fit in. It is important to remember the people who made
the U.S. ours, but it is more important to remember why it
is so great. This law will be a backwards step, in that the
diversity of our country will diminish, so why fix something

Название: Prop 63 Essay Research Paper The Official
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 14:03:03 27 октября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 1
Комментариев: 13
Оценило: 2 человек
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