Реферат: Process Essay

Реферат: Process Essay


– How To Change A Baby’s Diaper Essay, Research Paper
As a teenager who might baby-sit or even as an adult, there will come a time when you?ll have to change a baby?s diaper. If you follow some basic directions, you should be able to safely change the baby?s diaper and make the baby a whole lot happier.
First, you will need to gather a few items before you change the baby?s diaper. You will need a diaper, baby powder, baby wipes, a safe spot to lay the baby down, a change of clothes in case the baby?s diaper leaks through on to his/her clothes, and of course, you need a baby. Keep in mind it?s important to get all items required before you begin, because under no circumstances should you leave the baby unattended. Leaving the baby unattended could cause harm to the baby if he/she were to roll off the table, couch, or any other location you choose to change their diaper.
Second, you need to determine if the baby needs his/her diaper changed. To do this is simple. You would look at the baby?s diaper to see if it is wet. If the diaper is wet, it will have a swollen look to it. If you can?t tell by just looking at the outside, peel the tape, located on the front of the diaper back, pull the diaper down, and take a look inside. If the diaper is wet, it will have a yellowish discoloration on the inside. Also, if the baby has an awful odor about him/her it?s safe to assume he/she needs a diaper change. If you?re not sure you can look and see if he/she left you any surprises.
Third, after determining if the baby needs his/her diaper changed, and we?ll assume he/she does, double check to make sure you have everything required before getting started. If you?re sure you have all the items required, you?re ready to get started. Lay the baby down on a changing table, floor, couch, or whatever is readily available at the time. Keep in mind the place you choose should be a safe one. After laying the baby down undress his/her bottom half, and then undo the two sticky tabs, one on each side of the diaper. Next, you would gently lift the baby?s bottom up by carefully holding their ankles and lifting. While the baby?s bottom is lifted pull out the soiled diaper and set it aside until you can dispose of it. Then, while you?ve still got the baby?s bottom lifted wipe it with a baby wipe until clean. It may take a few of the wipes depending on how big a mess there was. After you?ve cleaned the baby?s bottom set him/her back down and make sure the front area is also clean. When finished cleaning, grab the clean diaper and sprinkle some baby powder in it. Then, again gently lifting the baby?s bottom, slide the diaper underneath the baby?s bottom, and then gently set the baby down on it. Next, pull the front of the diaper up in between the baby?s legs and go to each side undoing the sticky tab and sticking it to the front to secure the diaper.
Finally, once that is completed you would get the baby dressed again put the baby in a playpen, crib, or any other safe place you choose. Next go back to changing area and then clean up the mess and dispose of the soiled diaper and wipes. Now that you are completely finished you have changed a baby?s diaper and made the baby very happy.
This is a process essay I wrote for my English 115 class. This paper received an A for a grade.

Название: Process Essay
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 11:38:25 27 октября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 2
Комментариев: 13
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
Оценка: неизвестно   Скачать

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