Реферат: Please Essay Research Paper aquifer while rain

Реферат: Please Essay Research Paper aquifer while rain


aquifer while rain falling onto the shoreline regions recharges the shallow aquifers system only. Earlier studies of the groundwater flow potentials at a Brookhaven landfill found that there was little to no , 1995). The town maintains a monitoring network in multi-well clusters in the vicinity of the landfill. The study concludes that there were differences found among the Upper Glacial aquifer ground water from two locals. Analysis of the data shows flowpath from the Upper Glacial aquifer into the Magothy aquifer and back to the Upper Glacial aquifer. The conclusion of the study states the two implications for the siting of public drinking water wells: First, drinking water drawn from the Magothy aquifer may contain contaminants found in the Upper Glacial aquifer, if the well is sited at the edge of the Deep-recharge Zones and is screened in the shallower portions of the Magothy aquifer. Second, public water in deeper the well is outside the Deep-recharge Zones.
A resident had lived in her Sag Harbor home less than six months when she discovered by accident that it the site to her. A Manhattan couple were looking to move to Long Island with their infant twins. After putting a binder on a home they discovered that the property abutted a former landfill that had been designated a federal Superfund site. Another homeowner found that several years before, well water in the community was found to have been contaminated by chemicals leaking into the groundwater. Government officials say there is little need to be concerned for health and safety. But neighbors say there have been many cancer-related illnesses and deaths in the neighborhood, although there have been no medical studies. In any case, property values have plummeted. In the long run, fear among the residents could lead to mass migration
six months when she discovered by accident that it the site to her. A Manhattan couple were looking to move to Long Island with their infant twins. After putting a binder on a home they discovered that the property abutted a former landfill that had been designated a federal Superfund site. Another homeowner found that several years

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Реферат: Please Essay Research Paper aquifer while rain
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