Реферат: Piranhas Essay Research Paper I am doing

Реферат: Piranhas Essay Research Paper I am doing


I am doing my Biome report on an animal known as an piranha.
Piranha?s are very interesting animals and I am going to tell you about
what I have learned about the animal that lives in the amazon river.
The Piranha is the Amazon River?s most famous resident.
Piranhas are an meat eating fish with razor sharp teeth that are
capable or tearing through and or into fish. In certain seasons The
Amazon River?s banks may over flow causing many injured animals
that may be bleeding to fall in to the river. If they are bleeding the
piranhas can smell it, and then them swarm around in devouring it
within minutes, only leaving the skeleton behind.
Piranhas are most dangerous during daylight because they can
better see their prey before attacking it. During the night piranhas
rest very quietly around rocks, plants, and many other protected
areas. (www.piranha.org/biology.html)
Piranhas often travel in small loosely organized groups. Whether
they are living in small or large groups they seem very suspicious of
each other. If a Piranha violates another Piranhas surroundings they
threaten them or they use aggression. They also approach them
from the rear because they become very disturbed, when approached
Piranhas usually leave larger animals than them alone, but
during certain seasons they attack more often. When the weather is
very dry the lakes and or rivers they live in
begin to dry up. This means they have less food and less room, so
they scramble to eat everything in sight, even other Piranhas.
Piranhas have many hunting methods such as, ambush,
approaching under guise, active chases, stalking, and aggressive
mimicry. I am going to tell you about active chases and approaching
under guise, because you may not know what they are. Active
chases is when small groups of piranhas attack small schools of fish,
causing them to scatter. then they all find a single specimen to hunt.
They usually attack the fish by the tail, no matter what method is
being used. The other hunting method is approaching under guise.
During this method they attempt to get in the fishes view without
showing any interest in them. They go closer and closer without
letting the fish feel harmed, and at the last minute they sweep over to
their prey and chew off a piece of the fin. (www.piranha.org/nature.html)
That is the information I found out about Piranhas. Piranhas
are a weird and scary species, but I enjoyed doing a report on them.
Thank you for listening to what I have had to say about Piranhas.

Название: Piranhas Essay Research Paper I am doing
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 10:47:15 16 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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