Реферат: Peer Pressure Essay Research Paper What is

Реферат: Peer Pressure Essay Research Paper What is


Peer Pressure Essay, Research Paper
What is peer pressure? Peer pressure can be described as a positive or negative reaction that occurs when one is influenced by certain people. Peer pressure is constantly surroIntroduction Research Question: How does sex in the media influence children and adolescents in the United States? How do they react to that? Sex is a very big subject for teens and even children. Being brought up in a world with television and radio, teens and children are exposed to a lot more than they should be at their age. I will be discussing the affect that the media has on teens and children in America and how they react to this. Whether they rebel against it, are afraid of it, or are drawn to it. Today it is very hard to find teens and even children who are virgins. Once while it was popular to be a virgin, now it is not. Children and teens that are virgins are sometimes made fun of, excluded, or even lie about their virginity just to fit in. I believe that the media is partly responsible for this. When a child sees people on the television having sex, they want to go out and do the same thing. They don?t understand what it is or how it affects you both mentally, sexually, physically, and most important spiritually. Sex is something that should be saved for marriage, although most people experience it before then.unding us. One can first be introduced to peer pressure at a very young age and young people can be influenced easier then mature adults. I believe family members, friends, and religious institutions have the strongest influence of peer pressure on society. Family members are the most important source of peer pressure. I believe family is the most influncial source for several reasons. For one, peer pressure is encountered first at home. The mother and father take the biggest part because they need to teach their children right from wrong. Children and young adults have many temptations that they?re faced with. Without their mother and father?s support and proper guidance children can be influenced to do wrong. For example, as a child my parents would always warn me about a kid I hung out with who lived in my neighborhood. They warned me a million times about him. But one day, my parents warnings were valid The kid was arrested for grand theft auto and sentenced to 6 months in a juvenile detention center. So, the peer pressure we recieve from our parents can be very important as we?re growing up. Friends are another source of peer pressure one encounters growing up. I believe from past experiences, friends have the strongest influence on us. The effects from our friends can sometimes be really good or really bad. Choosing the friends you hang out with can sometimes be difficult. As a young adult, I can compare life to a science project; always experimenting and finding out different results. For example, having to choose to hang out with the rebellious or model citizen variety. As a young adult, friends have a strong influnce because of the peer pressure that is involved. Even though we know what is right from wrong we still have the tendency to do the wrong thing. Even though there are a lot of negative effects from friends influences, there are just as many positive effects too. I believe the right friends can push one to doing the right things. Religious institutions are another great source of peer pressure.The people that attend church usually have good morals. The young adults that participate in religious institutions, form the most, come from familes which aren?t into drugs, alcohol, violence, or any sort of crime. So the effect these religious institutions have are great on young people in society. Religious adolescents can encourage one another to be successful in school, sports, and other activities. In my own past experiences when growing up, the people I have choose as friends met weren?t always the coolest, or craziest, but they were always good for their word and trust worthy. These type of friends are valuable for positive peer pressure and are important to keep. In conclusion, peer pressure is always surrounding us. From the time were young, till early adulthood and beyond. Our family members, friends, and religious institutions are the main sources in which peer pressure comes from. With the proper guidance and right choice of friends, one will not have any trouble with life?s difficult decisions, and will hopefully, do the right thing.

Название: Peer Pressure Essay Research Paper What is
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 21:50:30 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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