Реферат: Occupational Therapist Essay Research Paper After World

Реферат: Occupational Therapist Essay Research Paper After World


Occupational Therapist Essay, Research Paper
After World War I, occupational therapists have been a wonder of help to many people in a variety of ways. The need to help disable veterans stimulated this growth. Occupational therapy is the use of practice activities to treat physical or mental disabilities.
First to get into the occupation you have to have a bachelor s degree, thus certificating you in this field. Four years of college training leads to the degree of bachelor in science in occupational therapy. Addition to the four year of college, a clinical training period of six to nine months is required to qualify. Some colleges permit students to take clinical practice during summer or part of their senior year I college. While your enrollment in college some science courses you may take are anatomy, physiology, neurology, psychology, and sociology. Clinical subjects include general medical and surgical conditions. Other subjects may include creative arts, educational projects, and recreational activities. Master s and doctoral programs are offered for occupational therapist seeking careers in teaching, administration, and research.
Upon graduation and completion of the clinical practice, therapist is eligible to take the examination administered by the American Occupational therapy Certification Board. Those who pass may use the initials OTR after their name. Many hospitals require that their occupational therapist be registered. A license to practice is required by almost all states. Applicants for a license must have a degree or certificate from an accredited education program and pass the national certification examination.
Employment of occupational therapist helps about 73,000 jobs in 19998. Most of these jobs were in hospitals, including rehabilitation and psychiatric hospitals. Others were in office, clinics, home health agencies, nursing homes, and adult daycare centers. Some occupational therapists are self-employed in private practices. They see clients referred by physicians or health professionals.
Median annual earnings of occupational therapist were 48,230 in 1998. The middle earning or 50% were from $39,140 to $68,570 and highest 10% earned more than $86,540 a year. Media annual earnings in nursing and personal care facilities were $57,000, a hospital was @46,2000 and in elementary and secondary schools was $38,2000.
The nature of the work for occupational therapist is to help their patient s ability to perform task in their daily lives and working environment. They work with conditions that are mentally, physical, developmentally, or emotionally disabled. They help them to develop or improve and recover or maintain daily living skills. They also help compensate for permanent loss of function. Their goal is to have independent, productive and satisfying lives. Occupational therapist assists clients in performing activities of all types such as using a computer, dressing, cooking and eating. Physical exercise is used to increase strength and dexterity. Another part of their job is to design or make special equipment needed at home or at work. This helps clients communicate better and control aspects of their environment. They also work with people who have alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, eating disorders or stress related disorders.
Newly graduated occupational therapists usually begin as staff therapist. Many qualify as senior therapist after several years on the job. Experienced therapist may become directors of occupational therapy programs in large hospitals, clinics, work shops, or may become teachers. Some positions available are program coordinators and consultants with large and health agencies offer advancement courses in the treatment of special disabilities such as those resulting from cerebral palsy, for graduates of approved curriculums. Some institutions provide in-service programs for therapist.
Employment outlook for occupational therapist are expected to be highly favorable through the end of the decade. The demand is increasing because of growing public interest. As the health care industry continues to be restructured, there should be many more opportunities. Home health care may experience the greatest growth in the next decade.
Getting started in the career has its good and bad aspects. You can start off by first is in your high school to start taking classes, gain skills and information to be an occupational therapist. Joining art, music and theater extracurricular actives help expand your creativities. Attend career and job fairs that feature opportunities in occupational therapy and talk to recruiters about what they like to see in potential candidates. Become familiar with work settings and job description by visiting clinics, hospitals. Joining sport activities help you maintain or improve your wellness and learn about your muscles and body. Act as a leader in a student or civic organization. One last thing you can do is help tutor students in various subjects. This will give you experience in instructing others.
Occupational therapist needs patience and strong interpersonal skills to inspire trust and respect from their clients. Those who work in home health care must successfully adapt to a variety of settings.
As I already mentioned occupational therapist help the mentally disable as well as the physically disable. Mentally disabled results from emotional disorders, including anxiety depression and neurosis. This can affect a person ability to function normally. Depressed people find it difficult to manage daily activities. To help these people occupational therapist help accomplish goals each day. People with chronic illness worry about living a normal life. So occupational therapist help substitute things they love to do, but they can t do things the can do in exchange.
People with physical disability have lost their strength and coordination. Some activities they may do include woodworking, this help build up arms muscles. Occupational therapist may make a sling for the patient s hand, arm, or leg to prevent weakened muscles from stretching or shrinking. For people who can t regain muscles are taught new ways to perform familiar task. They may help design fun games in helping towards learning something.
Occupational therapist may have their attractive features and unattractive features. The most compelling feature is the ability to a positive difference in the lives of many people. Occupational therapist have their choice of working where they want and with the types of clients they prefer. Setting such as home health care allows great deal of flexibility in scheduling. It s also a job that challenges in a variety of ways. That challenge and the variety of the jobs make it difficult to leave.
Physically and emotionally are demanding in the career. This career demands a great deal of patience and understanding. They may also deal with familiy members who may be anxious and demanding. Long hours cause you to be physically tired. Also you may face potential injury like for an example back lifting, and moving equipment. Home health care, driving from appointment to appointment leads to frustration.

Название: Occupational Therapist Essay Research Paper After World
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