Реферат: No 2 Essay Research Paper The population

Реферат: No 2 Essay Research Paper The population


The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. The judicial system should harshen the punishment not abolish the crime.
Many critics are under the impression that if drugs are legalized the prison population would decrease dramatically. This is probably true, but how would the real world react? In my opinion, not so well. The streets would be filled with more predators than ever before; I feel the drug problem would absolutely worsen.
There have been protests against transferring prisoners to other states. The fact of the matter is that if someone commits a crime they should do the time; no matter where they re incarcerated. In the end consequences should be stricken and inmates should not be catered to.
The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. The judicial system should harshen the punishment not abolish the crime.
Many critics are under the impression that if drugs are legalized the prison population would decrease dramatically. This is probably true, but how would the real world react? In my opinion, not so well. The streets would be filled with more predators than ever before; I feel the drug problem would absolutely worsen.
There have been protests against transferring prisoners to other states. The fact of the matter is that if someone commits a crime they should do the time; no matter where they re incarcerated. In the end consequences should be stricken and inmates should not be catered to.
The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. The judicial system should harshen the punishment not abolish the crime.
Many critics are under the impression that if drugs are legalized the prison population would decrease dramatically. This is probably true, but how would the real world react? In my opinion, not so well. The streets would be filled with more predators than ever before; I feel the drug problem would absolutely worsen.
There have been protests against transferring prisoners to other states. The fact of the matter is that if someone commits a crime they should do the time; no matter where they re incarcerated. In the end consequences should be stricken and inmates should not be catered to.
The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. The judicial system should harshen the punishment not abolish the crime.
Many critics are under the impression that if drugs are legalized the prison population would decrease dramatically. This is probably true, but how would the real world react? In my opinion, not so well. The streets would be filled with more predators than ever before; I feel the drug problem would absolutely worsen.
There have been protests against transferring prisoners to other states. The fact of the matter is that if someone commits a crime they should do the time; no matter where they re incarcerated. In the end consequences should be stricken and inmates should not be catered to.
The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. The judicial system should harshen the punishment not abolish the crime.
Many critics are under the impression that if drugs are legalized the prison population would decrease dramatically. This is probably true, but how would the real world react? In my opinion, not so well. The streets would be filled with more predators than ever before; I feel the drug problem would absolutely worsen.
There have been protests against transferring prisoners to other states. The fact of the matter is that if someone commits a crime they should do the time; no matter where they re incarcerated. In the end consequences should be stricken and inmates should not be catered to.
The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. The judicial system should harshen the punishment not abolish the crime.
Many critics are under the impression that if drugs are legalized the prison population would decrease dramatically. This is probably true, but how would the real world react? In my opinion, not so well. The streets would be filled with more predators than ever before; I feel the drug problem would absolutely worsen.
There have been protests against transferring prisoners to other states. The fact of the matter is that if someone commits a crime they should do the time; no matter where they re incarcerated. In the end consequences should be stricken and inmates should not be catered to.

Название: No 2 Essay Research Paper The population
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 01:57:00 02 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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