Реферат На Тему Вандализм. Граффити Как Одно Из Проявлений Вандализма

Реферат На Тему Вандализм. Граффити Как Одно Из Проявлений Вандализма


By admin
The best way to get good grades is to study. The best way to do this is by learning from the best. This is why it is important to learn from the lessons of others. Writing is a skill that can be learned and improved by learning from others. The following are some of the many reasons why students should learn from their peers. It is in their best interest to learn because it will help them in future endeavors. They will be able to apply the knowledge gained to future situations.
Вандализм — это уничтожение или порча памятников культуры, исторических памятников, зданий и сооружений, а также произведений архитектуры, искусства и литературы.
Различают два вида вандализма:
1) непосредственный — уничтожение, порча, разрушение объектов;
2) опосредованный — нанесение надписей и рисунков, которые могут быть восприняты как оскорбительные, угрожающие и т. п.
The following is a list of the most famous graffiti artists in the world according to Wikipedia. The list is not meant to be comprehensive; it is just a sampling. It is based on Wikipedia's articles and the websites of various artists. If you know of an artist that should be included, please let us know. The first artist listed is the most prolific. The following artists were featured in this list.
Cristo Redentor
Bebop Bop
Flying Lotus
Jazz Composition
Miles Davis

It is quite easy to find out what the word graffiti means, but it is not so easy to understand what this kind of art is. The word graffiti is a combination of the words graffiti and graffito. The first part of the word is from the Latin word graffis, which means writing or drawing. The second part of this word comes from the French word « grafie » which means a drawing made on the wall. The people who use this art are called graffiti artists.
Реферат На Тему вандализм - Реферат вандализм, реферат на тему вандализме, реферат по теме вандализм скачать. Вандализм (от лат. vandalus — разрушитель) — нарушение норм поведения по отношению к памятникам культуры. Реферат Вандализм по предмету Культурология за 2 страницы. При написании работы Вандализм была использована литература. Скачать реферат. На тему: Вандализм в литературе. Вандалы, вандалы! Кто не знает их имен?
Вандализм - это совершение действий, которые приводят к уничтожению или порче материальных ценностей, а также к нанесению ущерба личности и обществу.

The best of the best - the top 5 best graffiti in the world. We're counting down the best, from the most iconic to the most obscure.
Dec 17, 2012. In recent years, graffiti has become a popular art form, much like. "It's one of those things where it's a lot of different things and it just.
Jun 3, 2014. It might as well be called "anarchy," as it has been referred to in many. The city that was once known for the infamous "New York City" graffiti tags.

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Реферат На Тему "Вандализм"

By: Admin, Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2015

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