Реферат На Тему Industrial Development Of The African Countries

Реферат На Тему Industrial Development Of The African Countries


An industrial development project, as defined by the World Bank, is a long-term, multi-faceted effort to improve the economic conditions of an African country. The World Bank has identified five main components of industrial development:
Developing an industrial policy
Allocating resources to industrial projects
Investing in industrial infrastructure
Creating the conditions for private sector participation
Managing industrialization projects.
Industrial Development Of Africa - Industrial Development of Africa, Industrial development of the world in general, industrial development in Africa. Industrial development is the process of increasing of the production capacity of economies with the increase in the demand of goods and services. It is also a process in which the development of new technologies and the extension of the productive capacity are introduced.
Industrial Development of the African Countries Реферат на тему Industrial Development of the Africa.
Industrial development of the african countries
Ключевые слова:
Реферат, Industrial, Development, of, the, African, Countries, Реферат, на, тему, Industrial
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Реферат На Тему industrial development of the African countries
by Roslyn3.7

by Lucie4.1

By: admin | Category: Industrial Development of the African Countries | Published: 3 days ago
Industrial Development of the Africa, Industrial Development, Africa, Economic Development. The Development of African Industry. Industrial development of Africa is a complex process that requires. Africa has been a major producer of raw materials, commodities and natural resources. In Africa, the industrialization process is still in its early stages.
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