Реферат: My Quiet Place Essay Research Paper My

Реферат: My Quiet Place Essay Research Paper My


My Quiet Place Essay, Research Paper
Back home in South Carolina, my quiet place was a cabin my
grandfather owned in the woods. He would take me out there to hunt and
fish. The place was so quiet, you could hear the quietness. It’s the sound of
a tone that settles in your ear. As I got older, I use to go there to get away
from the city and city problems. I miss that place.
A quiet place is something everyone needs regardless if they think so or not.
To some, it may be their bedroom or bathtub, or any secluded place. My
quiet place here and now is Piedmont Park.
Now that I reside in Atlanta, Georgia, Piedmont Park is a decent quiet
place. Every Sunday I would go out to Piedmont Park and relax. It’s a
peaceful place in such a busy city. I would find a secluded shaded area.
Every Sunday was the same routine, I would prepare the night before. I
would pack in a sack, a little blanket, a few Sade CDs, and a blunt. Lying
there under the clear blue sky, smelling the fresh cut grass, and the sweet
smell of honeysuckle would take me into a trance. There would be couples
picnicking, and families barbecuing, there would be masters walking their
dogs, and kids throwing Frisbees. I would think about the previous week
and prepare myself mentally for the coming week. I would sit there for
hours just relaxing and vibing on Sade. I think about all the time I have
wasted. I think about how we all take time for granted.
I remember one time I thought about time as a bank. Each day we are
credited $86,400 or 86,400 seconds. Every day we have to spend all of that
money, you can’t save or invest the money. To understand the value of a
day, ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature child one day to
early, to understand the value of an hour, ask someone who is waiting for a
vital organ. To understand the value of a minute, ask someone who has
missed the bus. To understand the value of a second, ask someone who has
just been through a car accident. To understand the value of a millisecond,
Time is just one thing I think about in my quiet place. I try to accept
the past and prepare for the future. Family, health, future endeavors, new
friendships, friendships that you know need to end, secrets, ambitions,
goals, and solitude are many things that go through my mind–and the best
thing about it………. no one interrupts you!

Название: My Quiet Place Essay Research Paper My
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 22:12:29 02 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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