Реферат: My Brother Christopher Mikula Essay Research Paper

Реферат: My Brother Christopher Mikula Essay Research Paper


My Brother Christopher Mikula Essay, Research Paper
Growing up with my brother wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. We
never got along and my parents always had to brake up fights between the two of
us. Everything was a competition and I always fell short of victory. I was
different then my brother and that’s the way I wanted to stay. I socialized with
a different crowd and I thought I knew it all. He would try to talk to me and I
would just role my eyes and walk away. But as time past and he moved out of the
house to study in the United States I began to realize how much I missed him. We
were both getting older and life seemed too short to waste. He was doing really
well and I wanted to do the same in the future. We began to talk and laugh
together. He had so much to say and he was full of good advice. He began to
treat me like a friend. When I was down he would try to get me up. When I was
frustrated he told me to hit him and nobody else, When I was hurt inside he
would sit there and just listen even if I didn’t make any sense. His time at
home was precious to me and I took full advantage of him being home. When he
left I was losing not only a brother but a friend !
Five years have pasted since my brother first left home. I’m away at
school and having a good time doing it. My brother goes to school just a ways
down the road. We have grown very close over the years. What I have here today ,
at school, playing hockey and studying to make the honor role, I owe partially
to my brother. He kicked me when I was almost going to let go and encouraged me
with his stories of his experience away from home. He has truly made the
greatest impact on my life and has helped me through those rough times. Although
it may have seemed I didn’t like my brother in the past, you know as well as I
do I always wanted to be just like him. Christopher Mikula is not only my
brother but is my best friend forever !

Название: My Brother Christopher Mikula Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:27:34 06 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Комментариев: 12
Оценило: 2 человек
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