Реферат: Mullets Galore Essay Research Paper In this

Реферат: Mullets Galore Essay Research Paper In this


Mullets Galore Essay, Research Paper
In this essay, I intend to prove that women do not like guys with
mullets for haircuts. The long shoulder length hair in the back is considered
ugly and dirty and does not appeal to the common female. Mullets aren’t
attractive to respectable women. Through the use of examples, the reader
will also realize that mullets are an immpossible way for a dude to get
On a recent trip to the Mall of Victor Valley I observed how women
reacted to mullets. I witnessed several groups of women frown when guys
with mullets tried to talk with the girls. Out of about twenty guys who I saw
sporting the infamous mullet hairstyle, only one of them was walking with a
female. Many of the other men with hairstyles other than the mullet were
walking hand-in-hand with beautiful girls. When mullet-haired males
would approach girls and try to strike a conversation, exchange phone
numbers or score a date, they were turned down immediately every time.
The mullet was the common similarity for guys who could not receive
attention from girls. The guys were all in decent physical condition and did
not have many features that are commonly disliked by girls. The girls
appeared to be single and were not unusually difficult to attract. The mullet
was an extreme disadvantage for guys with mullets who wanted to get girls
I questioned several girls about how they felt about guys with mullets.
I got completely negative responses from all of the girls. There were
complaints of mullets being dirty, nappy and disgusting. The young women
claimed that they wouldn’t even try an intimate relationship with a mullet
man. Mullets are commonly associated with violent criminals, trailer parks,
drug use, rape and child molestation. These prejudices placed upon mullets
by society are often discouraging enough evidence to keep most women
My neighbor, Alex, has lived in my neighborhood for about eight
years and has had a mullet for about 6 years. He hasn’t had a girlfriend for
about 5 years. He has a steady job, nice car and good personality but does
not attract the women. People often introduce him to women because of his
personality. He has been on many dates over the past few years but has
never had a second date with a woman. When I first met him eight years
ago he had a girlfriend and I always saw women going to his house, likely
for sexual encounters. Shortly after Alex grew out his mullet the girls
gradually quit coming around. He still has many male friends, many of
them with girlfriends and no mullets, to keep him company, but rarely has
Mullets are clearly sufficient cause for women to be unattracted to a
man. Teenage girls and women show strong dislike of the mullet haircut.
For a single man looking for a relationship it would be wise to cut off his
mullet if he has one. Mullets are a strong disadvantage for a man trying to
get the attention of a good-looking, respectable woman.

Название: Mullets Galore Essay Research Paper In this
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 12:11:29 10 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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