Реферат: Movies Essay Research Paper Many people go

Реферат: Movies Essay Research Paper Many people go


Many people go to the movies. The movies are an escape into a fantasy world. Everyone has a different preference on what kind of movie is the best. Romance, horror, action, and comedy are different types of movies. The kind of movie someone goes to see can give clues to what kind of person they are.
People who prefer horror films obviously like to be grossed out or like to be frightened. The horror fans probably tend to enjoy suspense and anxiety. One might suspect these people love to go on frightening roller coaster rides or do other things that would cause suspense and anxiousness. People of this nature might enjoy things that most people would not, considering the amount of gore produced in many horror films. For example, some people watch surgeries on TV. These shows contain blood and things disturbing to others. It would make sense to say that the person who has no problem with the gore in the movies could probably watch and enjoy a surgery on TV.
Comedy, most people enjoy going to the movies and laughing. Although most people do enjoy a comedy here and there, some people try to be like the characters in them. These people love to laugh and try to make others laugh whenever possible. Sometimes this is a good thing and one would not mind being around them because they are actually funny. Nevertheless, some of them are down right annoying. If someone tells them they are annoying then that just means to them that they have to try harder to get people to laugh. People who love comedy always seem to love going out and having fun with their life. These types of people rarely get mad either.
People who enjoy going out and living up life probably watch action adventure type movies. The ones who like these movies would probably get a kick out of being chased by the police in a car. Risky habits such as doing things that are against the law and hoping they don’t get caught could be a trait of a person who likes action adventure movies also. Another thing they might participate in is extreme sports like bungie jumping or skydiving. They might watch the news on TV and hope that a big story with action might come in. Over all they seek what they see in the movies.
Women seem to love romance movies. Men may also enjoy these types of movies but the over sensitive loving nature of the movies seems to keep them at bay. For example, if a person were to go to the movies they would probably never see a single male walk into a romance movie. However, you would see many men who have girlfriends with them walking into a romance movie. People who go see these movies are usually in relationships or they go in hopes of creating one.
Movies can make a whole persons life. Movies can fascinate and entertain us. The movies we choose to fascinate and entertain us could tell someone just what type of person are or could be.

Название: Movies Essay Research Paper Many people go
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 17:46:27 01 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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