Реферат: Movie Review The Mirror Has Two Faces

Реферат: Movie Review The Mirror Has Two Faces


Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces Essay, Research Paper
Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces
The movie stares Barbara Streisand as Rose Morgan a lonely, single, low self
esteemed woman who lives with her domineering mother Hannah Morgan played by
Lauren Becall in New York. Jeff Bridges who plays Gregory Larkin a math
instructor at Columbia University is a man in search of the perfect woman who is
not interested in sex but only companship. Greg places a personal ad in a
singles paper and receives enormous response. He reviews the responses to his
ad and decides on a response that featured Rose. Greg calls the number on the
response and a woman answers the phone who is Roses sister Claire. Claire
explains to Greg that she responded to the ad without Roses consent and that
Rose is not a women of great beauty. Greg explains that he is not in search of a
woman with great beauty, just a woman for companship. Greg calls Rose on the
telephone and the two decide to have dinner as friends. They adore each others
companship and start to spend more and more time together as best friends. They
become extremely flexibly enmeshed and are very compatible with each other.
As time passes and they grow closer to each other they decide to get married by
the justice of the peace. Roses mother who is dependent on her objects to the
idea and thinks the marriage is wrong. She uses plenty of guilt trying to
persuade Rose not to marry Greg. The marriage takes place and the Rose moves
into Greg’s apartment where their are separate twin beds for Rose and Greg. The
first night of living together Greg indirectly suggests the two should have sex.
Rose does not understand and falls asleep on Greg. As time passes and the two
start to become flexibly connected and share their most hidden secrets with
each other. Greg accepts a three month job offer over seas. Rose agrees that he
should jump at the opportunity and supports him in his decision. Rose decides
that the arrangement of a no sex marriage is not going to work. She decides one
night before Greg leaves for three months to seduce him into having sex with her.
Greg objects to the idea after about five minuets and explains his feelings to
Rose which infuriates her causing her to run back to her mothers chaotically
enmeshed home. Greg leaves for work over seas calling Rose on the telephone
every spare minute he has only to be greeted by her jealous and domineering
mother stating she is not home or available unknown to Rose. Greg concentrates
on his decision and changes his mind about a no sex marriage. He returns home
early in an effort to win Rose back from her mother.
Late at night Greg calls Rose to the window by screaming and yelling Roses name
against the wishes of the doorman to Hannah’s apartment. The doorman attempts
to stop Greg however his attempts don’t succeed. Rose comes to the window and
Greg explains that he has changed his beliefs about a no sex marriage. Rose
accepts his proposal and the two are off to Greg’s apartment to consummate the

Название: Movie Review The Mirror Has Two Faces
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 19:56:33 25 октября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 7
Комментариев: 14
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
Оценка: неизвестно   Скачать

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