Реферат: Movie Delta Force

Реферат: Movie Delta Force


Movie: Delta Force – Suicide In Chinatown Essay, Research Paper
Movie: Delta Force – Suicide in Chinatown
There was a normal afternoon in Chinatown. Everybody was really interested
in Silvester Stalone’s new action movie that was being played for the first time
Delta Force was the movie. Stalone was acting as a very famous cop. He
became popular because one year before he killed all a group of terrorists that
was planning to put a bomb in the Empire State Building. Now he is fighting
The critics and also the public were complaining about the violence that
the film shows. The critics said that too much blood and fights would incite a
Because of all these complaints the public opinion was discussing the
possibility of cut of some parts of the movie or even stop playing it.
During the 8:00pm movie session, one fact worked to decide quickly the
There were many couples in the movie theater and during one of the most
violent part of the film, a couple stood up and pulled out two gun machines that
They were, apparently, a normal couple. The blond man using beard was
wearing sport clothes. He was carrying a medium black and white suitcase, from
where they pulled the gun. The woman was also young, may be working to 20 or 22
years old. She was wearing shorts and a red shirt.
She was the most nervous and she was the one who ordered everybody to
line on the floor and picked the guys as hostages.
When they ordered the hostages to line on the floor, one girl escaped
from the place and called the police.
The couple didn’t ask for anything special. They just began to scream
saying that they had the power and wanted the public attention.
Five minutes after the girl escape from the cinema, the police arrived.
There were more than fifteen police cars around the cinema, nobody could escape.
The sergeant got out of the car and began to negotiate with the couple, trying
to release the hostages safely. The sergeant asked how could he finish the
situation and the couple asked for a TV team to record something very important
The sergeant permitted the CNN team to go into the movie theater but,
for doing it, he asked the couple to release the half part of the hostages that
The guy accepted and when the CNN team went into the cinema he released
When the CNN group began to record the place, the couple put their
weapons on their own head and shot themselves. At this moment, everybody became
in panic. The police officers invaded the place and calmed the people that were
The 911 doctors tried to save the couple but the bullets in their head
When the police was removing the dead body, a cop found a letter in the
man’s pocket that was telling that they loved too much each other but because
their parents didn’t like the romance they decided to die like Romeo and Juliet
but in a Silvester Stalone’s stile.
All this incident worked for stop the cinemas playing the movie. The court
decided that all the cinemas that were playing ?Delta Force? had to change the
film in exhibition. In additional, the couple’s parents sued the movie producers
using the argument that they incited violence with this movie.
At the moment we don’t know the judge results.

Название: Movie Delta Force
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 00:37:10 15 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 2
Комментариев: 8
Оценило: 1 человек
Средний балл: 5
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Реферат: Movie Delta Force
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