Реферат: Motorcycle Boy Essay Research Paper Number of

Реферат: Motorcycle Boy Essay Research Paper Number of


Motorcycle Boy Essay, Research Paper
I believe that the story “Rumble Fish” has a very plausible
plot because it’s about a boy who is a former gang member
and always gets into fights. The boy’s name is Russel James,
he is fourteen, he likes to fight, he always gets in
trouble, and isn’t very smart. The boy gets into trouble by
fighting, getting drunk, and stealing, throughout the story,
but instead of realizing he has got to stop and change his
life around, he get in more and more trouble. In my opinion
the story is plausible because the boy is telling the story
and he mentions things such as drugs, fights, stealing,
gangs, and drinking and smoking. Which is very present in
I would have to say that if anything this story was
sad, because at the end of the story Russel’s older brother,
the Motorcycle Boy, was shot when he tried freeing the
Rumble Fish from the pet store. That would probably be the
main reason the story was sad, besides the fact that
Russel’s friend Steve had his mother put in the hospital
I didn’t really like the book because of the fact that
there was no real big action in the story. Not to mention,
that the Motorcycle Boy was one of the strangest characters
I had ever read about. He was so weird that no one in the
story really understood the way he thought. He was like an
I think there was good character development in the
story because the author wrote the story so that the main
character (Russel) often explained to the reader about
things that happened in the past to both him, and the other
There was realistic character action in the story
because the characters didn’t do things like fly around in
the clouds, or see through walls, they did normal stuff that
If you don’t like or don’t care if there’s alot of
action in a book then I would recommend this book to you. On
the other hand , if you like a lot of action, and don’t like
book without action, then I would not recommend this book
i think the most effective port of the story was when
the Motorcycle Boy was shot. This event shocked me and
totally caught me off guard. If anything I would expect
Russell to get shot. Probably because Russell seems to be
more of a trouble maker than Motorcycle Boy.
I thought the book was alright but the one thing I
didn’t like about the book was that the action wasn’t there.
I like books with a lot of action, but this book didn’t have

Название: Motorcycle Boy Essay Research Paper Number of
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 12:20:56 11 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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