Реферат: Marijuna Essay Research Paper Detailed Outline and

Реферат: Marijuna Essay Research Paper Detailed Outline and


Detailed Outline and Working Bibliography
5. What if someone wants to stop using it
B. Thesis statement: Marijuana will effect the way high school students act and learn in school.
A. First known in Central Asia and China 3000B.C.
2. Came from tropical and temperate climates
B. Seen in America?s settlers in 1545(Elizabeth A. Ryan;p.121)
1.Grown by Jamestown settlers in 1607
A. Mixture of leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant, Cannabis Sativa ( Funk & Wagnalls Corp.)
B. The psychoactive ingredients of marijuana THC AKA tetrehydrocannabinol and concentrated on flowering tops(Miller, Mark;pg.17)
C. Hashish from cannabis sativa eight times more THC than marijuana (Barry Stimmel,M.D.;pg71)
D. Sinsemellia seedless type of marijuana (Thomas & Dorothy Hoobler; pg.70)
1. Can make $1000 off a single plant
1.Smoked out of cigarettes from AKA joints
2. Smoked out of pipes, AKA bongs, or bowls
3. Eaten by baking into brownies or other forms of cakes or cookies
A. Can vary depending on both type of user, the nature of the plant, and method of preparation.
1. some teens feel nothing when smoking it
2. some teens feel relaxed when smoking it
a. suffer sudden feeling of anxiety
4. some teens feel thirsty and get hungry ?AKA the munchies?
B. Effects the ways you think and act
(internet 2+3 of 6-marijuana: Facts for teens)
1. can mess you up in school, sports, clubs, and with friends
2. teens usually make stupid mistakes which embarrass and hurt them
3. teens lose energy and interest in clubs, sports, and school.
C. Long term effects (3+4 of 6-marijuana: Facts for teens)
a. same problem as cigarette smokers
A. Teens use it to be cool in front of friends
B. Peer Pressure (5+6 of 6-marijuana: Facts for teens)
C. Some teens think it makes them feel good (Facts for teens 3+6 of 6)
A. Hard to find help until a few years ago.
B. Know there is some help (Facts for teens 5+6 of 6)
1. treatment programs focus on counseling and group support system
A. Teens (marijuana use among teens since 1992 p. 1 of 2)
1. About 7.3 % teens 1.3% ages 12-17 smoke marijuana last year
3. 1.8 million teens used illegal drugs
4. the government surveyed the use of marijuana and says on rise among teens after 13 years of declining
5. What if someone wants to stop smoking marijuana
B. Give a strong conclusion on what was learned
1. How to help people stop smoking marijuana
Berger, Philip A. ?Marijuana? Funk & Wagnalls Corporation. 1994
Hoobler, Thomas &Dorothy. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs, Series 2, Drugs and Crime. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988.
?Marijuana use among teens since 1992.? USA Today Health, 9 September 1997.
?Marijuana: Fact for Teens.? NIDA Home Page, 31 January 1998.
Miller, Mark. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs, Series 2,
Bad Trips. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1952.
Ryan, Elizabeth A. Straight Talk About Drugs Alcohol, Revised Edition.
Stimmel, Barry, M.D.. The Fact About Drug Use. New York: 1993.0

Название: Marijuna Essay Research Paper Detailed Outline and
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
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