Реферат: Macro-microcosm substance space time quantum

Реферат: Macro-microcosm substance space time quantum


During year 1999 I must pass to the peoples the novae knowledge about macro-and microcosm. Because of that in many respects will be depended on the fate civilization in the Third thousandth years. Theseknowledge will be passedby the brief portions in order to that specialists might arrive at a conclusion about of them truth. WATСH CLOSELY FOR THESE PUBLICATIONS. Tape them one after another on your floppy disc.
I. G. Goriachko. St. Petersburg, Russia, 1999, in January, 06.
« There is nothing in Universe except but matter forever moving in space and time

This philosophical revelation imaged the nature’s unity « SUBSTANCE—SPACE—TIME
». It may be described by the next unknown correlation
where are the non-dimensional
parameters which determinate: the form of body’s trajectory, its radius vector, its real time; p, T
– pressure, absolute temperature.
The ratio (A) is carried out for any moveable body
. Therefore, the fixed in space and time its trajectory must be considered as a quantified
one. This fact directly indicated that any
law of macro-and microcosm, describing the moveable body, must be the quantum
law .
As follows from ratio (A), such law must take into account as mechanically as thermodynamically sides of the similar process (because any body always moved in the determinates thermodynamically ( p, T
) conditions).
But in all
the ruling laws
of macro- and microcosm parameter is absent.
This signified that these laws are uncorrected
with respect to the nature’s unity «substance-space-time». In other words, this circumstance is appeared as a main reason for the crisis
the modern science.
To correct this situation – the most responsible task of all.
The law of the conservation the full energy is carried out by any processes running as in macro- as in microcosm owing to that kinetic E energy turned to potential П one (and back). It has the next usual form
The transformation these types of energies is possible owing to the next also unknown quantum
where - describing the form of body’s trajectory parameter – see (A).
The explanation 1. Write down (B) as
where K
=const; a, r
– are the values of the trajectory’s semi-axis and body’s radius vector.
But for differently
trajectories parameters (and , ) – are also differently
(see later).
Taking into account the signs ( for potential energy П
, we are find with help (B) and (1)
where the sign (+) conformed to the non-orbital
body, but the sign (–) – to the orbital
This unified for macro- and microcosm quantum law of the conservation the full energy - (B’)
– the major law of Nature.
Thank you. To the next report in February, 23. GIG.

Название: Macro-microcosm substance space time quantum
Раздел: Рефераты по физике
Тип: реферат
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