Реферат: James Bond Essay Research Paper James Bond

Реферат: James Bond Essay Research Paper James Bond


James Bond has gone through a lot of changes in the years with 19 films. James Bond has been played by Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, George Lazneby, to Pierce Bronsman. All being great James Bond characters. The best of them being Sean Connery, why? I don’t know why, he has always just been a better actor in every movie he has been in. Then comes Pierce Bronsman because he has been in movies for my generation and I can relate with the stuff going on in his movies. Then would come Timothy Dalton because he looks and acts a lot like Pierce Bronsman. I would guess Roger Moore comes in fourth, why? because I HATE George Lazneby and I have no where else to put him. George Lazenby comes in way last because he is not a actor, he is a talking mannequin. They have all gone through different types of adventures, well ok they were all action/spy problems but they were all different, in some ways anyway. Hey if they suck so much why can’t you stop watching them? Why have they made so many of them? eh? thats what I thought. I had my doubts about watching all these James Bond movies, but they were all good. Sean Connery Played a nice cool, slick James Bond, well so did the others but he was better at it because he naturally is cool and slick. Pierce Bronsman played also as a cool, slick James Bond, he really looked like he was a spy, he kept his cool, I really liked that scene in Golden Eye when he is at the tanks of fuel where the satellite comes out of the water and they are shooting at him and there is sparks right next to his eye and he keeps on doing what he is doing. Talk bout a great and intense scene there. Timothy Dalton played as fast acting, nervous person as he played James bond. In my opinion he looked very nervous and very like hyper, he really wasn’t that good, but he looked like he was a really bad acting Pierce Bronsman. Roger Moore, well he TRYED to act as a cool, slick James Bond, but he didn’t really pull it off right, he just looked like a big dork in my opinion, he wasn’t aggressive enough to be a good James Bond. He tryed to be aggressive but he just made a fool of him self, In his movie Live and Let die, the co-starring actors and actresses really made the movie any good. Well George Lazenby is not an actor, he is a mannequin that you can program one line scenes into. You THINK he has a brain, but he really has one of those TalkBoy things up there. There really isn’t that much different in all of the James Bond films except for maybe the villains, henchmen, and the problems needed to be solved. All of the James Bond actors tryed to be cool, and slick. Some of them pulled it off in some movies, in others they didn’t. They all definitely got the chick of there dreams in each movie, George even got married, although that didn’t last very long, he still got married. Hey wait a second, thats ANOTHER Reason why George Lazenby is a really bad actor, or maybe it was just his role, he got married, James Bond isn’t supposed to get married. Getting Married is like against the James Bond code of ethics!! I bet if George starred in another James Bond film, he would prolly die! even if the script says he isn’t soppsed to! In the end of each film James Bond kills his villain and henchman except one, but hey we all can’t be perfect. Well in the end pretty much every person who has played James Bond has been the same, or tryed to be the same as the last.

Название: James Bond Essay Research Paper James Bond
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 06:28:40 28 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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