Реферат: Jackie Robinson 2 Essay Research Paper The

Реферат: Jackie Robinson 2 Essay Research Paper The


Jackie Robinson 2 Essay, Research Paper
He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and the true American champion. Ronald Reagon. I don t know if anyone could have summarized his life better. Jackie was a great influence to the American public. To over came diversity and succeed is a great accomplishment.
Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia, January 31 1919. He went to college at the University of UCLA. Where he was a star in four sports basketball, baseball, football, and track. He is the only bruin to letter in four sports. After college he went to pursue a career in the Army. He soon became a lieutenant. He was put on honorable discharge for seating in a white person seat in the Army bus. In 1947, he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers to become the first African-American to play modern day baseball. He won rookie of the year, and was only the begging for the awards he would receive. He later receive MVP, and elected into the Hall Of Fame.
He brought many kinds of fans to the game if baseball. His style of playing brought excitement back to the game. As much of the world like to watch him there were some who hated him. He received much hate mail from all kinds of people. He received letters threaten to kill him if he was to step on their hometown field with the other white players. A fellow baseball player from the opposing team slid into him putting a big gash in his knee that would take him out of the game.
He was not the first black player in the major league baseball; neither was he the first black star athlete. Words cannot describe what he brought to the game of baseball and the rest of America. His success in baseball proved that blacks and white can coexist, and corporate well together. His importance to the public was more then just playing baseball.
Robinson s importance continues after his baseball career. After he retired in 1956, he became active in the NAACP and the civil rights movement. He put forth his baseball career and decade his life to improving African Americans status in society. Many black people looked for to him for help and support. He didn t care what people thought of him. Fir example, while he was on the road with his baseball team his refusal to sit in the black section of a hotel resulted in the integration of many white hotels around the states.
Robinson was setting the example for the rest of his followers to follow. He would later serve as a special assistant for civil rights Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He also was vice president of a restaurant chain in New York. His achievements were great. Today when you see blacks and whites on the same field or working together thank Jackie for that.

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