Реферат: Is The United Nations The Answer To

Реферат: Is The United Nations The Answer To


The Worlds Problems? Essay, Research Paper
The issue of whether or not the United Nations should be disbanded is a complex two-sided answer. Some may say that no the United Nations should remain in society because of all the good the organization has done for the world such as UNICEF. Others may argue that the United Nations have done more harm than good, like the fact that your voting rights in the International Monetary Fund are dependent on the amount of money you contribute. The United Nations restricts the amount of freedom a country has because they have to take part in the organization. This issue is important because it expresses many concerns of the people whether the United Nations is important to the world, or if it should be thrown out. The United Nations has proved to the world that it is helpful and overall is admired by most of the citizens. The United Nations has created many organizations and handled different situations to help the people out. The United Nations should not be disbanded and should continue to aid those countries in need.
The United Nations created UNICEF, an organization built to allow children to have a right to education, a decent standard of health and nutrition, clean water and sanitation, and protection from abuse and exploitation. Many children are denied these rights so UNICEF must act to provide for them. There are 161 countries, areas and territories with UNICEF programs. The United Nations Children?s Fund has launched an AIDS awareness campaign involving the youth fighting the killer disease in Kenya. At the launch, UNICEF representatives have urged the parents to educate their children on HIV/AIDS, saying this would help reduce young people?s risk of contracting the disease. UNICEF is only one of many organizations provided by the United Nations to assist the people of the world.
Another organization that helps countries to strengthen their economy is the International Monetary Fund. The International Monetary Fund came into official existence on December 27, 1945, when 29 countries signed its Articles of Agreement at a conference held in New Hampshire. It now contains 183 member countries. The International Monetary Fund was established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment. The International Monetary Fund is valuable because it helps countries that require financial assistance.
Peacekeeping established by the United Nations has proved very successful throughout the world. Its main objective is to maintain world peace through collective security. There are 195 nations involved in peacekeeping world wide, there are over 750,000 military troops and civilian police, in addition to thousands of other civilians who have served as peacekeepers. The peacekeepers responsibilities include disarming military forces, providing security to the population, organizing elections, stalling conflicts, encouraging peace settlements, and performing civil functions. These duties were expressed in 1956 when Israeli, French and British forces invaded the Suez Canal Zone. The United Nations presence kept incident to a minimum and protected the operation of the canal. Peacekeeping continues to evolve as new conflicts arise and demands to resolve them are increasingly placed on the United Nations.
Overall the United Nations have proved to be very successful in all its organizations and any situations that may have risen. All of the organizations that have been established have generated great amounts of success and help to keep the world a better place to live for all human beings. The United Nations should continue to remain active in world affairs.

Название: Is The United Nations The Answer To
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 22:34:03 09 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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