Реферат: Injustice Essay Research Paper Injustice Injustice is

Реферат: Injustice Essay Research Paper Injustice Injustice is


Injustice is a problem which everyone faces. Nobody likes to suffer from injustice, yet
they do it to others. In the novel, ” To Kill A Mockingbird ” written by Harper Lee, there
are three characters who suffer the most injustice. They are Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo
Atticus, a man with great wisdom, suffers from the fact that he had taken on a Negro case.
He was constantly persecuted for his decision, which made him work even harder at winning
the case. Even though his family was made fun of, he stuck with his choice and worked the
hardest he could to ignore the threats and harassment. He did very well to ignore all the
abuse and was greatly respected after the trial was over.
Another person who suffered from injustice was Tom Robinson. He was charged with a crime he
did not commit. His side of the story was not believed because he was black, which really
shows the amount of injustice during the time the novel was set in. Through the whole
trial, he did not retaliate at the white people, he did not get mad because he was
improperly accused, he just showed the level of respect which everyone deserves. He handled
the injustice with a manner reserved only for gentlemen, which is a good description of
The third person to suffer injustice in the novel was Boo Radley. Many accusations were
claimed about him even though they were untrue. Just because he didn’t leave his house,
people began to think something was wrong. Boo was a man who was misunderstood and
shouldn’t of suffered any injustice. Boo did not handle the injustice because he didn’t
In conclusion, the person who deserves the deepest sympathy is Tom Robinson. He did nothing
wrong but his crime was being nice to white people. This type of injustice is the worst
because everyone puts up with it. Therefore, Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley suffered

Название: Injustice Essay Research Paper Injustice Injustice is
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Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:36:31 25 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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