Реферат: Influence Of Media Essay Research Paper The

Реферат: Influence Of Media Essay Research Paper The


Influence Of Media Essay, Research Paper
The media has affected me in a variety of ways. I am manipulated by the media through
images and symbols which are portrayed through it. It has influenced my lifestyle, personality and opinions.
My lifestyle has been effected a great deal by the media. The images of people in
new, somewhat “cool” apparel has influenced the types of clothing I buy. Some brands
have more appeal than others due to its representation in the media. An example would be
Nike, it reaches out to its audience through flashy ad campaigns and regular spots on
TV shows. Because of Nikes lengthy appeal to get my attention, it has suceeded in doing so.
When I enter a shoe store, I would more likely stroll over to the Nike section rather than
a “no-name” brand section. This type of behaviour can be interpreted as irresponsible
becauseI would take into account of the name recognition of something before
looking at the actual quality of the product. My lifestyle has definately been
influenced by the media, and not necessarily for the good.
The media has influenced my personality as well. Some television shows have given
me a better perspective on life in general. These show’s have gave me a better appreciation
of the precious nature of life and how I should respect it. Other shows have made myself
more inclined to think before I act, rather than just acting without a reason. Generally,
the media has had a positive influence on my personality.
My opinions have been shaped from what I have read and seen in the media. Many
newspapers offer different perspectives on issues which give me a better understanding
of both sides of an issue. Through this I have been made more aware of the world around
me. Television shows which are based on a particular issue that may or may not effect me
have also made me more aware of society as a whole. Although much of my media experience
has helped me form my own opinions, I do believe that the media is not as insightful and
neutral as it should be. Especially today, when you hear of large companies furthering
there agendas in the newspapers that they own.
The media is a very large aspect of modern society. It allows people to become
more informed and productive members of society. But the media is far from perfect,
corporate pressure, the continuing movement towards more substance than fact in the media
has created a cloud which shades much of the possible media innovation that could be
actually happening at this very moment. But regardless of these issues, the media has
a profound impact on myself and also much of the modern society.

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Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:55:54 31 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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