Реферат: India Essay Research Paper Hindu life styles

Реферат: India Essay Research Paper Hindu life styles


Hindu life styles and beliefs are focused mainly on one single
worldview that everyone accepts and worships. Samsara is a continued
cycle of ongoing rebirths, ones ultimate goal throughout each life is to attain
the state of Moksha. Moksha is achieved when one realizes the true nature
of surrounding life. Once Moksha is attained the endless cycles of karmic
trajectories are finally released along with the eternal cycles of recurring
rebirths. The Maya is described as a covering of ones true Moksha, an
ignorance or false views of ones true nature. Without the attainment of
knowledge or realization of true nature, than Moksha will never be fulfilled,
consequently the infinite cycle of rebirths will remain constant and
enlightenment will never be acquired. Ones actions, be it good or bad, will
result in the overall outcome of future lives or rebirths, this theory is derived
from karmic belief. Karma is practiced throughout India and is taken
severely seriously, therefore many believe that they are trapped due to the
inability to fully enlighten and achieve the goal of knowledge. Through
disciplined meditation, rituals and excessive reading of the scriptures one is
able to correct insight and acquire wisdom and is allowed to engage in
ordinary life, and will gain the knowledge to escape Hindu lifestyles and
beliefs. I believe these world beliefs are truly pessimistic, due to the lack
of knowledge and or common sense. It seems that life has no meaning and
equality is nonexistent, but I also feel that it is somewhat impossible to
understand fully, due to my lack of knowledge.
The Hindu social structure is characterized by a caste system that?s
determined by birth, geography, language and customs. Karma and dharmas
concepts justify and perpetuate the regulations of the caste system on
account of their similarities. In dharma one must prioritize life, starting
with duty of the caste, every action has an effect on the community and/or
society. Every being has to maintain good karma in order to preserve a
stable society. In karmic ideology every negative action in any of the
recurring past lives will degrade an individuals position in the caste system,
therefore effecting believer?s actions. The caste system is outlined as
Harijans or outcasts (garbage cleaners, low occupation)
The problem with the social caste system deals mostly with its strict policies,
escaping the social system is unusual, and can only be accomplished in two
steps. Perform karmic beliefs, essentially fully enlighten one, and practice
righteous actions and it will result in an ability to attain a higher level of
society in a future life. Second by becoming a Sadbu or Sannyasi and
devoting ones life to liberating. I believe that that the caste system and the
practice of “reserved seats” is extremely similar to that of issues of racism.
It seems even though there is not an issue of color and or race, India is
concentrating more on birth and geography of ones past in order to
determine ones rank in life. One can not determine his or her past, everyone
is created equal, but it seems due to India?s ignorance ones past can not be
The Bhagavad-Gita synthesizes the conflicting goals of Hindu
society/religion. The Bhagavad-Gita has been considered scripture dealing
with a compilation of stories with varying motifs. One direly accepted story
themes the subject of the importance of duty. Its main character Arjuna is
torn between fulfilling his destined duty as a warrior, going into battle
opposing a few of his closest friends. Arjuna is undetermined between right
and wrong, friendship and his responsibilities as a god-like warrior. On one
hand he is to serve society in order to insure worldly stability and the
renunciation of society in order to achieve Moksha, and on the hand no
matter whom wins the battle there will be a great loss either way. Krishna
explains to Arjuna that he must uphold social order, and as a warrior it’s his
responsibility to combat any forces if either painful or not. Krishna
expresses a central theme of Hinduism namely, that of every individual has a
2. To seek individual liberation from karma and samsara
Krishna explains to Arjuna that by living one’s life as an offering to God, by
making of each action a sacrifice to God, one is able to act selflessly and
disentangle one’s soul from the binding effects of actions that are
egotistically motivated. I believe that the advice that Krishna gave Arjuna
deals similarity with the conflicting goals of Hindu society/religion because
of its intense struggle. It seems that throughout Hindu religion and culture
there always exists a struggle for enlightenment, a struggle that usually
requires a grave sacrifice in order to achieve a goal.

Название: India Essay Research Paper Hindu life styles
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 13:45:18 28 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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