Реферат: How To Survive A Tornado Essay Research

Реферат: How To Survive A Tornado Essay Research


How To Survive A Tornado. Essay, Research Paper
Natural disasters are taken too lightly. They do not always happen to someone else. Most people have no idea how many people can be affected by a disaster and what the effects can be. In this case, food became a major logistics problem although volunteer groups provided 10,000 meals per day for disaster workers and victims.
The study of a natural disaster such as a tornado may reveal your own
shortcomings as you make plans for your family’s future. Careful thought should be given to the possibilities of disaster affecting your family. Each member should be trained to ecognize preconditions, heed warnings, and practice steps to take. The following are some cues for your serious consideration as you determine your disaster reparation strategy.
Hail precedes most tornadoes. If hail is sighted, be conscious of a potential tornado. Official warnings may not be issued or reach you in time. Move quickly when you become aware of threatening weather conditions. Mobile homes and automobiles are not secure protection. If caught in one, find the nearest ditch, lie flat, and cover your head. First to go may be large expanses of ceiling or the walls that support the roof.
The safest place is below ground level. In a building, go to a basement wall on the below-ground side. If no basement is available, go to the smallest room such a stairwell, closet or bathroom. Flying debris can be lethal. Most fatal or serious injuries are from head blows. Family members and other groups are often separated. Have a preassigned point of contact and establish procedure to follow. Practice. Local lines will be jammed. Arrange for an out-of-state phone number to pass information through. Winds can be fierce. Hold
on to something attached to the floor system.
Many victims are concealed by rubble. A police whistle warn around the neck might be used to attract rescue workers. Disaster preparation should include provision for psychological as well as physical effects. Severe emotional responses are inevitable after a disaster. As one victim reported, “It’s the faces you remember. The faces with blank stares like those on combat soldiers. The faces with tears and no sound coming from their mouths. The face with searching eyes looking for another familiar face.” Are you ready for the aftermath of a severe storm? There are distant sounds of screaming sirens and the sight of flashing lights. Traffic is jammed all around. Roads are blocked. People walk, run, and wander without direction. And then you hear a call for help. It makes you think doesn t it?

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Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 21:28:23 15 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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