Реферат: Historical Time Line Essay Research Paper Historical

Реферат: Historical Time Line Essay Research Paper Historical


Historical Time Line Essay, Research Paper
- Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier?s Naval Bill to create a small Canadian
- The Montreal Canadians play their first hockey game.
- The first man-made fibre, rayon, is introduced in the North American
- Author Stephen Leacock publishes Literary Lapses.
- Robert Borden becomes Canada?s new PM.
- Canada?s population is 7,204,838.
- Ontario government restricts the use of French in Ontario schools.
- The Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec boundaries now extend to the
- The SSTitanic sinks off the coast of Newfoundland.
- Tom Longboat sets a world record for the 15-mile run.
- The first Calgary Stampede is held.
- Professional hockey is played in Vancouver on artificial ice for the first
- Woodrow Wilson becomes the United States president.
- Over 400,000 immigrants arrive in Canada, an all-time high.
- Albert Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.
- Archduke Ferdinand is killed at Sarajevo.
- Great Britain declares war on Germany, Canada is also at war. A short
- During the war, woman took over traditional ?men?s? jobs.
- The Montreal Daily News begins publication.
- Casa Loma, Henry Pellatt?s mansion, is completed in Toronto.
- Machine guns are mounted on airplanes for use in warfare.
- The Edmonton Grads, a ladies basketball team, is organized.
- John McCrae publishes ?In Flanders Fields?
- At the battle of Ypres, chlorine gas is first used by the Germans.
- Woman can vote in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
- Emily Murphy becomes the first female police magistrate in the British
- British tanks are used first during the Battle
- A Provincial Police force is formed in Alberta.
- The Parliament buildings in Ottawa are destroyed by fire.
- The Montreal Canadians win their first Stanley Cup.
- The tragic Battle of Somme occurs, thousands of lives were lost.
- Federal Income tax is introduced to help with the war.
- Victory Bonds raise $100 million.
- The Canadian Corps, attacking as a unit for the first time, take Vimy
- Tom Thomas, Canadian artist, drowns in Ontario.
- The United States enters the war.
- All woman over 21 can now vote in Canada.
- The famous German Ace, the Red Baron, is shot down my Canadian
-Worldwide influenza epidemic kills many.
-World War I is over on November 11. Over 600 000 Canadian men and
woman had joined the war, over 60 000 Canadians died.
- The war?s top Canadian ace is Billy Bishop.
-Wilfred Laurier dies, Mackenzie King become the new Liberal leader.
-Western unionist form the ?One Big Union.?
- Bloody Saturday was on May 15, the beginning of the Winnipeg General
- Canada signs the Treaty of Versailles on her own. Germans have to pay
billions in compensation for destruction.
- The Grand Trunk Railway is nationalized.
- The first air crossing of the Atlantic.
- Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary become independent.
- Conservative leader Robert Borden retires, replaced by Arthur Meighen.
- The Canadian Air Force is authorized.
- The National Progressive Party is formed.
- Canada participates in League of Nations.
- Canada is changed by the war, it is more idenpendant and more urban.
- The Liberals win federal election. King forms minority government.
- The stock market is very popular, people invest their life savings.
- Dancing and cars are becoming very popular.
-Agnes MacPhail is Canada?s first woman M.P.
- Woman are allowed to run for election to Parliament.
- The minor depression from after the war is over in 1922. Consumers are
- Rudulph Valenteno and Mary Pickford are stars of the 1920?s.
- The first radio station in Ontario, CKOC in Hamilton, begins in 1922.
- In the 1928 Olympics, Ethel Catherwood wins a gold medal in high-jump
- ?Black Tuesday?, the day of the stock market crash was on October 29,
1929. Many people lost their life savings because of this.
- Food was scarce during the depression, there wasn?t much beef or sugar.
- Soup kitchens and applying for relief, although humiliating, become
- In Western Canada, farming wasn?t doing well because of the drought
- Songs in the 30?s, such as, Stardust and Happy Days are Here Again,
- On May 28, 1934, the identical babies know as the Dionne Quintuplets
- Bennett loses the 1935 election, Mackenzie King wins.
- In 1936, a mine in Canada collapses, 3 men were trapped for 10 days.
- On September 10, 1939, Canada is at war. Germany, led by Adolf
Hitler, started off WWII by invading Poland.
- It was almost impossible to buy certain foods during WWii. Butter and
meat were again scarce like during WWI. Canada produced large
amounts of food for soldiers overseas.
- The Canadian government hoped to control the amount of food
purchased through rationing. Recycling was common to cut down on
- The Canadian government put on drives to get scrape metal for the war.
- The German Blitzkrieg, was fast warfare based on a surprise attack.
- In July, 1940, the Air Battle of Britain, Luftwaffe vs. RAF took place.
- By the summer of 1940, 10 countries were under Nazi rule.
- The PM of Britain was Sir Winston Churchill.
- American joined the war because Japan bombed Pearl Harbour.
- Erich Hartman was the top German ace in WWII.
- In 1942, the Americans won the Battle Of Midway in June.
- Asian immigrants were not very welcome in Canada. People thought that
the immigrants could be spies. In 1945, the government ordered immigrants
to be removed from coastal regions of British Columbia to camps in the
- The Invasion of Normandy was in June, 1944
- The Enola Gay, a plane, dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
on August 6, 1945. The second bomb was dropped on Negasaki days
- Germany surrenders on V.E. Day on May 7, 1945, . On August 16,
- There were 33 500 000 deaths in WWII, 42 000 Canadians died.
- After the war, people found out about the treatment of Jew?s and
concentration camps during the WWII.

Название: Historical Time Line Essay Research Paper Historical
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:35:21 25 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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