Реферат: Friendships Essay Research Paper You basically need

Реферат: Friendships Essay Research Paper You basically need


You basically need friendships to live. You need them to die, you need then to stick up for you when you need it the most. People usually tell me that friendships have to do with you needing them, but people really have to understand, they need you in times when you need them. They have it hard to, so when you think that no one is listening they are. They understand you in good times and bad, walk you through life and guide you. I have always had troubles with friends though but it just makes you stronger. You learn from your mistakes and forgive and forget. My best friend Sarah, she has been there from the day I was born. My second cousin, my best friend mostly. Everytime a realative dies she is there crying with me because it is hers too. Everysince we were little she was there for me. We would go to her house when we were about two and would do a little slip and slide in her bathroom. Get the floor wet and poor shampoo on it. Up to now, she’s going on one year with her boyfriend and is still there for me. The only thing that could ever tear us apart is God. Him letting one of us die. But no matter what we would always be together. My other friend. She has a big problem. She is bringing one more family member into our family. She’s sixteen years old and we all knew she would be the first to get pregnant. WIth my cousin. She will be a great mom, and will also have so much support from all of her friends. Including me, I will be at her every call from now until the baby grows up to be an adult. I will be by herside through thick and thin, and never let her down. We’ve grown apart the last year, but now we are regaining our friendship and learning to trust again. She will be fine, and will know who her true friends are. When I was in 8th grade, I thought hard about commiting suicide. I was in a deep depression and didn’t think I would ever get out. I felt like I was in the ground adn no one would pick me up again. Depression is a thing that effects kids from 10 to 24 moslty, kids just have to realize that you cant run away from your problems. Deal with them, you will have to learn sometime. It teaches you so much in the world and things you will use your whole life. You will get married have kids maybe of your own but it’s not worth it at all. Your not meant to go, when it is time God will take you into his palm. Realize what you have when you have them, becaue one day you could loose them. It takes one second to crush on someone, one minute to like someone, one day to love someone, and it takes forever to loose. It’s better to have loved and loss somone, then to have never loved at all.

Название: Friendships Essay Research Paper You basically need
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 18:59:06 26 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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