Реферат: Forest Gump Essay Research Paper I am

Реферат: Forest Gump Essay Research Paper I am


I am doing my oral presentation on the Drama movie Forest Gump rated M15.
(pause) This movie traces a fictitious life to portray and comment on
significant social events in the united states of America, in the 1960’s, 70’s
and 80’s. The movie is about a man named Forest Gump who is seen by others to be
stupid, but he has achieved more than any ordinary person. Forest, played by the
award winning Tom Hanks, tells his life story while sitting at a bus stop and
comparing it to a box of chocolates, because he doesn’t know what’s going to
happen next While telling his story, the audience is taken back to when forest
is a small boy in country Alabama USA. Because forest is classed as stupid and
has braces put on his legs to fix his spine, the kids he attends school with
think of him as a freak, except one, Forests love, Jenny. Jenny is a girl who
lives with her sisters and their abusive father on a large corn farm. As Jenny
and Forest get older, Jenny starts to take a different path to Forest and drifts
in and out of his life through out the movie which, understandable creates heart
ache for Forest. We are taken through Forests life as a College football star,
which sees a lot of controversy. When Forest graduates college, he decides to
join the army, where he meets his new found best friend Bubba. In 1963, Forest
and Bubba are sent to fight in the Vietnam war. Under the watchful eye of
Lieutenant Dan Taylor, Forest unsuspectingly becomes a hero. On his return to
America, Forest is awarded the congressional medal that is presented by
President Nixion. This is one of my favourite scenes because this scene show
Forests carefree personality and his sensibility all though at times both are
challenged. SHOW TAPE!! While Forest was injured during the war, he takes up the
game ping pong and becomes a champion. With the money made from his success, he
buys a fishing boat and becomes a shrimp mastermind along with the help of
Lieutenant Dan. One day after Jenny has left Forests life once again, he decides
he wants to go for a run. He tells himself he will run to the next county but
doesn’t stop, infact he doesn’t stop until 3 and a half years later. Through out
this movie there are twists that are unsuspected, including the ending which
will bring a tear to anybody’s eye. (pause) Whilst watching this movie I came
across a couple of morals. The strongest one I got was that no matter what you
dream is keep trying and it will be within reach. This Memorable movie was
produced by Wendy Finerman, Steve Tisch and Steve starkey. Although their names
are not well known as producers they put all there talent into this movie, along
with the help of the director Robert Zemeckis. Lastly I would like to comment on
my favourite phrase of this movie that Forest used many times, "Stupid is
as stupid does" With that I rate this excellent movie 8 out of 10.

Название: Forest Gump Essay Research Paper I am
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 00:18:43 02 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 8
Комментариев: 14
Оценило: 2 человек
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