Реферат: Football Game Essay Research Paper Homecoming night

Реферат: Football Game Essay Research Paper Homecoming night


Football Game Essay, Research Paper
Homecoming night, and the football team is scrambling on the wet locker room
floor. The air is packed with steam from the hot showers colliding into the cool
fall air. It smells like — well it smells like a football locker room. Talk of
whose date is the hottest, and who played the best enraptures the ears of all
within listening distance. Tonight we will have some fun. For now the
electrifying high school Dance far outweighs the thrilling victory over the
homecoming competitors. Soon after the dance, when they start feeling their
aches and pains, the football players will remember the game. They will remember
what it took to get there, and what got them there. Ever since anyone could
remember, Medicine Lodge Indians have been taught one lesson above all others.
If executed correctly, "Shoot R 32 Veer" is the unstoppable play. Many
people may not know what the "Shoot R 32 Veer" is. It is a football
play designed so intricately, that no matter what the defense does, they can not
defend against it. It is based on the idea of the triple option. This is where
the quarterback can hand the ball off to the fullback, he can pitch the ball to
the tailback, or if he needs to he can keep it and run it himself. First is
?The Handoff? to the fullback. After the ball is snapped, the fullback
charges the line of scrimage. Hoping to blow through the defensive line, and
crush into the linebackers, picking up at least five yards. It is the
quarterback’s job to read the defensive tackle. If he goes out, he hands it off.
If he goes in, he keeps it. Assuming that the defense doesn’t want to take the
five-yard pounding from the fullback. They will crash their tackle in. The
quarterback then keeps the ball. By now, we have reached the second stage of the
play. ?The Pitch" is intended to make the unblocked defensive end decide
whether to go after the quarterback or to attempt to tackle the tailback after
the pitch. Before the play starts, the quarterback calls, ?Down?, ordering
his team to get into a stance. After one second, he calls ?Set,? putting the
tailback into motion. When the taiback is directly behind the fullback, the
quarterback says, ?Hut,? to begin the play. Then the tailback bellies (runs
in a curved pattern) deep behind the fullback and the quarterback. After the
fake to the fullback, he runs outside the end. This is where his next crucial
read comes into play. If the end — or outside linebacker, whichever one is
there — comes after the quarterback, he pitches it. The tailback then runs
outside the wide receivers block down the sideline. If the defensive player goes
after the tailback, the quarterback keeps it. He cuts inside, between the play
side running back?s ?kick out? block (he blocks either the end or the
outside linebacker out of the play) and the play side tackle?s ?seal
block? (he makes contact with either the tackle or the inside linebacker, and
slowly positions his butt as if it were a camera watching the back). With every
other possible would-be tackler being blocked, there should be no chance of
either of the quarterback or the tailback being tackled. There are not many
plays that can actually be called unstoppable, but the play that our coach has
chosen as our ?Bread and Butter,? is definitely one of them. With a little
bit of ?Buddy Taylor Football,? your team can also steamroll over opponents
with this devastating play. One thing that I feel obligated to remind everyone
is, that with the right team, any play is unstoppable.

Название: Football Game Essay Research Paper Homecoming night
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 00:24:40 30 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 2 человек
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