Реферат: Farming In The Early Neolithic Essay Research

Реферат: Farming In The Early Neolithic Essay Research


Farming In The Early Neolithic? Essay, Research Paper
The Neolithic phase of human affairs began in Europe about 10,000 or 12,000 years
ago. But probably men had reached the Neolithic stage elsewhere some thousands
of years earlier. Neolithic men came slowly into Europe from the south or
south-east as the reindeer and the open steppes gave way to forest and modern
European conditions. The Neolithic stage in culture is characterized by:? the presence of polished stone implements,
and in particular the stone axe, which was perforated so as to be the
more effectually fastened to a wooden handle, and which was probably used
rather for working wood than in conflict. There are also abundant arrow-heads.
The fact that some implements are polished does not preclude the presence of
great quantities of implements of unpolished stone. But there are differences
in the make between even the unpolished tools of the Neolithic and of the
Palaeolithic Period. The beginning of a sort of agriculture, and the use of
plants and seeds. But at first there are abundant evidences that hunting was
still of great; importance in the Neolithic Age. Neolithic man did not at first
sit down to his agriculture. He took snatch crops. He settled later. ? Pottery and proper cooking. The horse is no
longer eaten. Domesticated animals. The dog appears very early. The Neolithic
man had domesticated cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. He was a huntsman
turned herdsman of the herds he once hunted.?
development was the use of pottery, and discoveries of pottery and grains of
cultivated cereals at archaeological sites mark the slow spread of Neolithic
farming across Europe. Geneticists have suggested that this wave of advance
explains the patterns found when they analyse the frequencies of various genes
in European populations. The farming revolution did not reach the British Isles
and Scandinavia until after about 4000 BC. The analysis of pollen in different
levels of lake sediment indicates that land was being cleared for agriculture
in Ireland by about 4000 or 3800 BC.The earliest Neolithic pottery found in
Ulster (Lyles Hill pottery) is similar to pottery found in northern Britain,
suggesting that the earliest Neolithic colonists may have come to Ireland from
northern Britain. The pottery bowls were made by winding coils of clay in a
circle to form the sides of the bowl, smoothing them, and finally firing them
on an open fire. Later Neolithic pottery is decorated with dots or lines in the
surface of the clay.Neolithic axes found in Ulster are often made from
porcellanite, a type of stone found at Tievebulliagh in Co. Antrim or at
Brockley on Rathlin Island. These axes would be flaked into the rough shape of
an axe and then polished with an abrasive stone such as sandstone. Over 1400
porcellanite axes have been found, mostly in Ulster, but also in other parts of
the British Isles. About 160 of these axes have been found in Britain, showing
that axes were an important item of exchange. Flint was also used for
arrowheads, knives and scapers, and was traded to areas which did not have
natural sources of flint. One of the implements most commonly found is the
scaper, which was presumably used to prepare the hides of cattle.These Neolithic people probably "migrated" into
Europe, in the same way that the Reindeer Men had migrated before them; that is
to say, generation by generation and century by century, as the climate
changed, they spread after their accustomed food.

Название: Farming In The Early Neolithic Essay Research
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 23:48:09 12 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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