Реферат: Fairy Tale Of Doom Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Fairy Tale Of Doom Essay Research Paper


Fairy Tale Of Doom Essay, Research Paper
This story happens in the hostel of the school. Joe, someone who competed in
an archery competition, once stayed at the hostel. This is the story he heard
The hostel was of three (not very sure) stories high and there are rooms
being occupied by male students of all ages. Some of the older boys can be a
bully at times to the younger boys. One of the older boys learnt his lesson one
day when he met something not so pleasant as he was trying to bully a younger
It was past midnight, Min was at his friend’s room on the second floor for a
chit chat. Before long, he realized how late it was and asked wish his friends
good night as he leave to go back to his own room. It was a hot night with
occasional breeze. The whole place is quiet with exception of the familiar sound
of insects outside the building. It was just another usual weeknight when many
Min was walking slowly towards the room on the ground floor. As he was
getting towards the first floor, he saw a boy sitting down at the end of the
staircase. Min did not recall seeing that boy around before. Maybe it’s just one
of those studious students who never mix around with them. He looks much younger
The boy had his arms on his knees with his face buried on his arms. From
behind, he looked as if he is sleeping. As Min got near, he can’t help but to
"Hey boy! What are you doing here? Crying? Oh, cry baby! If you want to
cry, go to your room and cry. Or go to your Mummy and cry. Don’t sit down here
The boy ignored him and just stayed still. Min was annoyed because the boy
doesn’t seem to be scared of him, who is very much bigger in size and in age.
So, he got nearer to that boy and gave him a slight kick on his legs. "Come
Then the boy sat up straight and slowly turned his face towards Min. As he
turned around, Min could see that the boy has got no face. There’s just a plain
piece of skin without a mouth, nose or eyes.
Min was motionless for a moment. He stared straight on the boy’s featureless
face. He doesn’t know what to do for once. He wanted to scream but the voice
never came out. His mind gone blank.
Then the boy started to move again. He was trying to stand up. Suddenly Min
started running away. Before he knew it, the boy was chasing behind! He ran as
fast as possible while kept looking back. All these while, he could see that boy
chasing behind. He got into his room, slam his door real hard and rush into his
bed. He quickly covered himself up with the blanket and shivering with fear. He
was still in a shock and stayed under his blanket praying.
Then he heard someone opening the door and walked a few steps in. Then the
door was shut. Min was petrified but dare not get up and see who it was. He
could sense the person walk straight up to his bed and stand right next to the
bed. His fear got the better of him and he may have fainted there and then. The
next thing he knew was it was morning already and he was sweating under his
blanket because of the heat. He realized he was not in his pajamas and recalled
what had happened the night before. He told his friends and since then, never
dare walking back to his room late at night when everyone’s off to bed.

Название: Fairy Tale Of Doom Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 23:35:14 10 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 2 человек
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