Реферат: Discrpitive Essay Research Paper KFC s Steak

Реферат: Discrpitive Essay Research Paper KFC s Steak


Dinner on a Wednesday at KFC is very interesting, to watch
the people come in and to look at the different decorations in
the store. Many people come in on a Wednesday requesting a the
special, a chicken fried steak dinner for $1.99. Old people who
can barely drive and walk, come in for the steak special trying
to dig out their money which usually takes about several minutes
to get the exact change and asking what the price is for the
third time. Many of the people ask where they got the wooden
decorations hanging throughout the store; nevertheless, none of
the workers in the store know where they come from. The
employees of KFC are dress in blue pants and red and blue shirts,
which the workers act like they want to be working; however, the
KFC s employees take the job in great stride.
KFC is a brightly lighted store with white tiles and a peach
textured wall paper which also contains blue and gray specs.
Along the wall there are five booths and to the opposite of the
five booths there are two smaller booths which have enough room
for two people. There are decorations on the wall right above
the small booths which contain: a wooden hand painted chicken
with wire for wings and feet, a picture frame which is divided
into four sections with old pictures and objects glued around the
frame, some signs and many more different wooden decorations
hanging throughout the wall. Over by the big booth there are
window above the seats, but the windows are to high so you cannot
look out the window when you eat. On the tables of the booth
there are salt and pepper shakers and two of the tables have
When one walks into KFC the thing a person notice is the
aroma of greasy frying chicken. The stench is so strong when one
walk in the restaurant he or she will leave there smelling like a
deep fat-fried product. The cooking chicken puts the taste of
poultry in one s mouth. Most people have comments about the
scent of the store some think the fragrance is wonderful and
nothing smells better then the aroma of fried chicken and others
from the drive through have comments about how they hate coming
in, because when they leave they leave smelling awful. The
stench and the taste of the restaurant stands out; nevertheless,
it does not seem to brother the workers.
The employees are busy trying to prepare for the Wednesday
dinner rush they are about to encounter. The working situation
is like the calm before a storm, everyone busy doing their own
task and not a lot of words being trade between the workers. The
workers are dress in blue docker like pants and most of the
employees pants are dirty and cover with flour or different foods
they serve. A lot of the employees have a attitude and being at
KFC can be the worse thing in life. The worker dread the steak
special rush but they know there is nothing they can do about it
and they handle the rush and the customers the best they can.
The first couple came in and which seemed to provoke the
rest of the people in the town of Alva to come in for the
special. The couple seems to have troubles pulling open the
door, they act as if the door is a hundred pounds. They slowly
approach the counter holding on to each other for dear life and
ask the workers if the chicken fried steak special, probably
knowing good and well KFC have the special, they request for two
of the special with waters. When the old man finally digs out
the $4.30 he owes them for the food and the waters, their meals
are already on the tray and ready to be seated. The older lady
grabs the drinks and walks with caution towards the open booth
watching every step to make sure she does not drop the drinks.
Following behind her is the older man holding the tray, eyeing
his food and walking at a pace that would drive anyone crazy if
they had to follow him. By the time they sat down there are many
people in the store and people waiting at the drive through
wanting some food for supper. Many people inside the store look
around and read what is on the blue menu board.
Now there is about nine people in the restaurant waiting for
one of the busy employees to take their orders. One can tell by
the expression on people s face they are getting impatient about
not being able to get their order taken. The ones who are
restless and whispering with their snide remarks, that anyone can
hear, are the middle aged people; nevertheless, the people who
are retired are the ones who act like they are happy just to get
out of the house and greet everyone with a smile and a how do you
do. The hard working employees work at steady pace trying to get
all the orders out the door and food out the window for customers
Every few minutes one can hear a loud beeping that can heard
throughout the restaurant. Whenever a employee hears the beeps
he or she run over to the window and say: Hi welcome to KFC may
I take you order. People can hear the customers order from the
dinning area; nevertheless, they order the same from the people
inside, a Wednesday night special, chicken fry steak dinner for a
$1.99. A car sets the drive through beeper off and a, man starts
yelling, as if the KFC employee was deaf, asking if the special
is today. A college student in the dinning area yells out to the
person at the drive through speaker that he should shut up and
quit yelling. You could hear a sea of silent chuckles but no one
brave enough to burst out in the laughter they hold inside.
After that automobile went through the beeps suddenly stopped and
people stopped coming in to order food.
About 7:30 p.m. the steak dinner rush died off and it seem
that KFC employees have serve the entire town of Alva. The
employees have a facial expression and a body posture of extreme
exhaustion, like they have just got finished running the Boston
Marathon in record time. All the employees sit on the counter
and leaning against the metal warmers discussing the rush,
hateful customers, and how they hate working Wednesday. After a
short break the workers start the clean up, working at a steady
pace waiting for nine o clock to roll around so they can go home
and go to bed. Nevertheless, they know in another week, it will
be chaos again, with the chicken fried steak dinner for $1.99.

Название: Discrpitive Essay Research Paper KFC s Steak
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:23:53 26 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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